Common Sense Club Announces Parental Bill of Rights – InsiderNJ

Common Sense Club Announces Parental Bill of Rights

[Red Bank, NJ]: Common Sense Club today announced the creation of a “Parental Bill of Rights”, soon to be introduced in the New Jersey legislature. This effort recognizes that the most important people involved with a child’s development are the parents and the law should reflect that fact. Similar to what was recently passed in Florida, the bill will provide that “the state, its political subdivisions, any other governmental entity, or other institution may not infringe upon the fundamental rights of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of a minor child.”

New Jersey Assemblyman Christian Barranco (R-LD26), is taking the lead as the author and prime sponsor to draft the bill. “In the past 24 months, parents in New Jersey have faced an increasing assault on their children from the education establishment which has attempted to redesign American society to conform to their ideology”, says Assemblyman Barranco. “It is time that we reassert that which should be obvious – parents have the sole right to make decisions for their children academically, medically, socially, and so on.”

Beyond the procedural gathering of legislative co-sponsors, Common Sense Club will invite “citizen signers” to add their name to this legislation as a show of solidarity, strength and support. A state-wide event held in April in addition to an online option will facilitate the gathering of those signatures, bringing average NJ people into the process so their voice is heard.

“Parents are standing up like never before in New Jersey and across the country, demanding to be heard at all levels of government,” says Common Sense Club Advisory Board member Elizabeth Nader. “This bill of rights lists 10 points that protect parents and their children from intrusive government bureaucrats seeking to impose their political will on the family and override a parent’s inalienable right to make decisions for their children.”

“We need to rebuild what New Jersey government broke during the pandemic lockdowns by reclaiming for parents what should have never been threatened in the first place,” says Common Sense Advisory Board member Dr. Liam Schubel. “We must never allow those in elected positions to override the sovereignty and autonomy of the family.”

The bill is expected to be introduced in early April.

About Common Sense Club.: Formed in 2021 by entrepreneur and media personality Bill Spadea, Common Sense Club  is a 501(c)4 which seeks to restore common sense government in New Jersey and America, get our state and country back on track, and engage Americans who think it’s time to get beyond partisan rhetoric and implement practical policies using common sense to solve our biggest problems.

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