‘Christmas Time’ Holiday Concert Lights Up Hilltop City Dec. 14 – TAPinto.net

SUMMIT, NJ – The 11th annual “Christmas Time in the City” Holiday concert — featuring more than 200 singers, seven choirs from Union, Morris, Essex and surrounding counties, soloists, the Continuo Arts Chamber Orchestra, Santa and more — will take the stage at Summit’s Lawton C. Johnson Summit Middle School December 14, beginning at 7:30 p.m.

Produced by the Continuo Arts Foundation, the 2019 concert will offer a distinctive French theme, and includes the individual and combined Continuo Arts Ensembles & Chamber Orchestra presenting many perennial holiday favorites including works by Faure and others. The Continuo Arts New Jersey Children’s Choir and a visit by Santa always have surprise vignettes in store for youngsters, who can also look forward to the opportunity for post-concert photos with Kris Kringle. 

Tickets, priced at $20 for adults and $10 for  children and seniors, are available by visiting continuoarts.com. Doors open at 7 p.m.

Lawton C. Johnson Summit Middle School is located at 272 Morris Avenue.