Christie’s Kushner contradiction – Politico

Good Tuesday morning!

Bear with me, because I was away for a week and I’m just now catching up. In his new book that his publisher is calling a “no-holds-barred account,” former Gov. Christie blames Jared Kushner for ousting him from the Trump transition and details what can only be described as a tense relationship with Kushner, whose dad Christie put in prison for, among other things, the most insane story of witness tampering anyone’s ever heard.

That’s perfectly believable. I’d say even probable. But here’s the thing: Christie for the last couple years has denied there was any bad blood between him and Jared Kushner. And here, in his book, he writes the opposite.

In fiction, Christie — whose presidential campaign slogan was “Telling it Like it is” — would be called an unreliable narrator. I think we should extend that to Christie’s words in his supposedly non-fiction book.

Here’s what it comes down to: Christie was either not telling the truth then, or he’s not telling the truth now. Or neither. If you want to read fiction from Christie, I’d recommend sticking with Agatha.

WHERE’S MURPHY? At a Newark AirTrain station to make a 1:15 p.m. announcement

HAPPY BIRTHDAY — Hunterdon Dem Chairwoman Arlene Quinones Perez,


QUOTE OF THE DAY #1: “Jared and I get along just great.” — Former Gov. Chris Christie in March 2017, well after the events he describes in his book.

QUOTE OF THE DAY #2: “I’d been around politics long enough to grasp what was happening. Jared was trying — and not so subtly — to derail my appointment as transition chairman.” — Christie describing a meeting that allegedly took place 10 months prior to the above quote.

ALVAREZ SCANDAL — Platkin ‘concerned’ Alvarez was still employed at SDA in June, by POLITICO’s Ryan Hutchins: Gov. Phil Murphy’s chief counsel testified Friday that he was “concerned” Al Alvarez, the administration official accused of raping another state worker, had not yet left his job at the Schools Development Authority by June 2018. But Matt Platkin, to whom Katie Brennan had reported her allegations in March, said he gave Alvarez no deadline to leave. Alvarez, who was chief of staff at the SDA, stayed at his post until October. Testifying before the Legislative Select Oversight Committee, Platkin also told lawmakers he never informed Murphy about the rape allegation because of the state’s “strict confidentiality” rules in such matters. He said he exercised his “best judgment“ at the time. “With hindsight, obviously, a different conclusion about who should have been informed or who shouldn’t have been informed is fair,” Platkin said. Read more here

TOT-AL LACK OF RECALL —“Biggest mystery about Phil Murphy team in Katie Brennan hearing may not get answered,” by The Record’s Charles Stile: “Lawmakers investigating why a Murphy administration official was able to hang on to a plum job despite a rape allegation have been unable to answer this basic question: Who hired Al Alvarez for the $140,000-a-year job in the first place? Murphy’s former chief of staff Peter Cammarano testified that he didn’t know who offered Alvarez the job as chief of staff at the School Development Authority. Neither did the executive director of Gov. Phil Murphy’s transition, Jose Lozano. Alvarez’s old boss at the SDA, Charlie McKenna had no answer. And Matthew Platkin, Murphy’s chief counsel, who is one of Murphy’s most trusted advisers and finds himself at the nerve center of the scandal, offered more of the same Friday. ‘I am not personally aware of who hired Al Alvarez,‘ Platkin told lawmakers. At one point, Assemblywoman Elinor Pintor Marin, D-Essex, asked if Murphy offered Alvarez the job. ‘The governor is not typically involved in the hiring process for authorities,’ Platkin said. Who hired Alvarez, a campaign aide who oversaw outreach to Latino and Muslim voters, has become, what Senate Majority leader Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, is calling the ‘sixty-four thousand dollar question.’” Read more here

AND I SUAREZ — “Hudson prosecutor, on hot seat, stiff arms Legislature,” by The Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran: “What is Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez hiding? Why is she fighting the Legislature’s request for documents related to the explosive rape allegations from Katie Brennan — documents that could shed light on Suarez’s own truthfulness in the case? Welcome to the next phase of the Brennan rape scandal. Until now, the focus has been on the Murphy administration’s frat-boy behavior — the failure to take Brennan’s rape charge seriously, the decision to hire the man she accused, Al Alvarez, and to give him a fat raise, despite promising Brennan that they’d get rid of him. But the role of Suarez is coming next. She claims that she knew nothing about the case while her team worked on it for eight months in 2017, a claim that is now under scrutiny by the legislative committee. It’s important because if Suarez was involved, it would amount to a gargantuan conflict of interest that would throw the legitimacy of the rape investigation into doubt.” Read more here

CONTEXT — “Hudson prosecutor said she had no knowledge of rape case involving Murphy staffer. Now lawmakers want her e-mails” Read more here

ACTUAL ENVIRONMENTALIST TO SERVE ON ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION — “Murphy picks Manchester environmental activist for Pinelands seat,” by The Asbury Park Press’ Erik Larsen: “Gov. Phil Murphy nominated on Friday an environmental activist from Manchester to serve on the state Pinelands Commission, who in the past has clashed with the Ocean County Board of Freeholders. Theresa I. Lettman, 64, a registered Republican, served as chairwoman of the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Advisory Committee, until she was fired by the late Freeholder John C. Bartlett Jr. in 2012 when she publicly opposed construction of a crosswind runway at Robert J. Miller Airpark in Berkeley. Lettman, also a former key figure in the Pinelands Preservation Alliance and a Natural Lands Trust trustee, was nominated along with Kelly A. Mooij, an environmental lawyer from Trenton and vice president of government affairs at New Jersey Audubon. Mooij is also a trustee of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters.” Read more here

BRINE TIME — “N.J. has been treating the roads for days. Will it actually make roads safer?” by NJ Advance Media’s Larry Higgs: “Some weather forecasters have questioned if the state is wasting money by brining at the drop of a snow hat after the November storm. “I think it costs 17 cents a mile to brine the road, so if we become the brining state of America, I will not be upset about that,” Murphy said. Brine is cheap, which is why state transportation departments are using more of it and less salt. Iowa’s DOT uses 25 million gallons of brine a winter season, and decreased total amount of salt used, Nelson said. For the winter 2017 to 2018 season, NJDOT used 1.8 million gallons of brine, compared to 374,921 tons of salt applied to highways. Feeney said brining also reduces the amount of salt crews have to spread during the storm. Despite the presence of brine on what seems like almost every road, it’s used under certain conditions.” Read more here

GILMORE VOUCHES FOR HIS MONEY SKILLS — “Murphy names Gilmore ally to Lottery Commission,” by New Jersey Globe’s David Wildstein: “Robert James D’Anton, a Democratic fundraiser with ties to Ocean County Republican Chairman George Gilmore, has been nominated by Gov. Phil Murphy for another term on the New Jersey Lottery Commission. Gilmore was indicted last week on federal tax evasion charges. POLITICO reported in 2017 that Gilmore took out a $275,000 loan against his law firm’s building in Toms River with D’Anton’s development company, AST FInancial. The 2014 loan was supposed to be repaid within 9 ½ months, but POLITICO says there was no record that the funds had been paid back.” Read more here

‘AND BY ‘HELP’ I DEFINITELY DON’T MEAN DONATE HUGE SUMS TO A NORCROSS DARK MONEY GROUP’ — “Sweeney, eager for major reforms, takes case to business leaders: ‘Big thing I’m asking for is help’,” by ROI’s Tom Bergeron: “The state Senate president — in his typical tough-love, straightforward stump speech — spelled it out in no uncertain terms to a room filled with hundreds of top banking leaders at the New Jersey Bankers Economic Leadership Forum. ‘If we don’t reverse the trend that we’re in right now, we’re in a death spiral,” Sweeney (D-West Deptford) told the group. ‘I’m using pretty hard words, but you know it. You’re in this world, you’re dealing with it.’” Read more here

—“New rental tax worries some shore renters, homeowners” Read more here

—“No day at the beach for smokers — of cigarettes or cannabis | Mulshine” Read more here

—“I’m a survivor of clergy sexual abuse. Here’s what N.J. should do to protect victims” Read more here

—“South Jersey pioneering state’s transition from single-use bags” Read more here

—Treasury official: New Jersey will hit — maybe exceed — tax amnesty goal Read more here

— State to reassess mobile opioid treatment program in wake of critical audit Read more here

CARTOON BREAK — “Phil Murphy: Year Two,” by Drew Sheneman See the cartoon

ENDORSEMENT IS WORTH MORE THAN PEANUTS — “The Jolt: Cory Booker makes a Plains pilgrimage to see Jimmy Carter,” by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Greg Bluestein: “U.S. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey embarked on what’s become a rite of passage for some potential presidential candidates when he visited former President Jimmy Carter in his hometown of Plains. After attending a Sunday service led by Carter at Maranatha Baptist Church, Booker posted a video on social media featuring the Georgia native giving him a measure of support. ‘I’m very glad to have you here this morning, and I hope you come back,’ Carter said in the video. ‘And I hope you run for president.’” Read more here

—“Study: Cory Booker’s baby bonds nearly close the racial wealth gap for young adults” Read more here

WHO WOULD THE LEFT FIGHT WITH IF NOT THEMSELVES? — “Black Lives Matter cuts ties with Women’s March on New Jersey, citing poor treatment,” by The Record’s Svetlana Shkolnikova: “The New Jersey chapter of Black Lives Matter has cut ties with the Women’s March on New Jersey, alleging that the organizers behind Saturday’s march in Trenton marginalized the group and fostered an atmosphere of racism, classism and ageism. Black Lives Matter New Jersey accused the march’s lead organizers of treating its members as token minorities who were told they would have a leadership role in safety arrangements but were instead tasked with knocking on doors to drum up black support for the march.” Read more here

WAIT, DID LESNIAK HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH SPORTS BETTING? — “Lesniak back to fight DOJ on Wire Act reversal,” by Press of Atlantic City’s David Danzis: “Former state Sen. Raymond Lesniak, D-Union, has been asked by Senate President Steve Sweeney, D-Salem, Gloucester, Cumberland, to prepare a response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s recent interpretation of the Wire Act, which reads counter to 2011 opinion that stated the law only applied to sports gambling. The new opinion makes the Wire Act applicable to all forms of gaming that cross state lines, such as online casino gaming, fantasy sports and online lottery.” Read more here

—“Trump tariffs raise prices for NJ restaurants, bike shops and retailers” Read more here

BURLINGTON — “Delran Councilman Dan O’Connell picked to fill vacant freeholder seat,” by The Burlington County Times’ David Levinsky: “The Burlington County Democrats have selected Delran Councilman Dan O’Connell to fill the party’s fourth seat on the county Board of Freeholders. The former locomotive engineer and union leader emerged victorious in a runoff election over Lumberton Democratic chair Gina LaPlaca during a county party convention to fill the seat vacated by George Youngkin. The Medford Democrat suspended his campaign in late September after it was revealed he was arrested in 2006 following a domestic violence incident with his ex-wife … Youngkin was elected, but resigned, as promised, the day after being sworn in Jan. 1.” Read more here

MAN YOUNG ENOUGH TO EAT ANYTHING HE WANTS IS TOO BUSY TO EAT — “Day in the life of Prospect Park’s 22-year-old manager: calls, meetings and a steak sandwich,” by The Record’s Philip DeVencentis: “Before Intashan Chowdhury consumed a morsel of food, or so much as a drop of coffee, he helped a colleague troubleshoot a computer malfunction, checked on a burst water pipe and agonized over the color scheme for the borough’s new street signs. That was in between phone calls and impromptu meetings with the recreation director to talk about youth basketball, and with the public works superintendent to consider a plan for more speed humps on Struyk Avenue. It was another manic Monday in Prospect Park, and the newly minted administrator did not have time for distractions. ‘My staff is always like, ‘Intashan, you’ve got to eat,’’ said Chowdhury, 22, believed to be the youngest town manager in the history of New Jersey.” Read more here

WHEN YOU’RE SO BAD YOU MAKE JAMES O’KEEFE LOOK CREDIBLE — “‘I’m a victim’ – NJ district can’t fire disgraced teachers union president,” by NJ 101.5’s Sergio Bichao: “She was forced to resign as a teachers union president after unwittingly starring in an undercover Project Veritas video last year, but she’s won back her $89,000 teaching job. Kathleen Valencia was caught on video calling her students “dirt bags,” describing their homes as “s—holes,” saying that a teacher should keep mum about having assaulted a student, and boasting about a child-molesting teacher avoiding prison.” Read more here

WHEN CONTRACTS MEAN NOTHING YOU DON’T EVEN NEED TO RIG THEM — “Law firm kept working for Jersey City even after council voted down contract,” by The Jersey Journal’s Terrence T. McDonald: “A law firm hired by Jersey City in 2014 kept working for months after the council voted last year against reauthorizing its contract with the city. Arleo and Donohue billed the city $12,530 for work performed after the council voted down the contract renewal on March 14, according to invoices the firm gave the city. The law firm says it worked for nearly another three months after the council vote, the invoices show.” Read more here

—“Todd Frazier urges residents to support Toms River school-repair referendum” Read more here

—“Bayonne resident says persistence, special cake led to Davis unblocking people on FB” Read more here

—“South Jersey municipalities using redevelopment area designation to entice developers” Read more here

—“New Beginnings West New York campaign kicks off with major HCDO support” Read more here

—“Lead in drinking water: Rutherford home is five times above EPA standard” Read more here

—Riordan: “Trenton and Camden must ensure the state’s much-maligned tax incentives finish the job in the city” Read more here

—“CRDA Vote to Bring Arena Football to Atlantic City Set for Tuesday” Read more here

16 MORE DAYS THAN DAVID SAMSON FACED — “Anti-bear-hunt activist released from jail,” by The New Jersey Herald’s Lori Comstock: “Around 8:45 Friday morning, college professor and animal rights advocate Bill Crain emerged from the Sussex County Jail after serving four days shy of a 20-day sentence, due to good behavior. Seemingly, for the first time after three stints behind bars, Crain felt assurance that his being jailed has made a difference. ‘It was all worthwhile. I feel like more and more people are aware and are starting to feel more deeply about the bears, about all animals,’ Crain said Friday from his home in Poughquag, N.Y.” Read more here

—“‘I didn’t want him to be buried alone’ — More than 1,000 people attend funeral for Vietnam veteran” Read more here

—“New Jersey’s Martin Luther King boulevards: Hope fulfilled or dream deferred?” Read more here