Chairman Jones Makes the Rounds in Essex County – InsiderNJ

Democratic State Party Chairman LeRoy Jones worked his county hard on Tuesday night, making appearances all over Essex County.
Among his appearances, Jones surfaced in Newark’s North Ward at the side of Councilman Anibal Ramos.
Special relationship there.
Jones also showed up in Irvington, alongside Mayor Tony Vauss, who won a third term.
He put in an appearance too at the victory party of Newark Mayor Ras Baraka, who also won a third term in a landslide.
There was a hard contest in Newark’s East Ward, too, and Jones surfaced in the campaign headquarters of Mike Silva.
Silva has the backing of the East Ward Democratic Committee chaired by Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin (D-29).
Jones has a lot of respect for Pintor Marin and wanted to show his support for her.
As for his engagement in the developing June 14th showdown between Silva and Anthony Campos, Jones was not ready to issue an endorsement.
He backs Pintor Marin.
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