Central Jersey Daily Rundown, Tuesday, Jan. 7 – My Central Jersey


NJBankers Rising Stars Award

The NJBankers Rising Stars Award is granted to bankers, under the age of 40, to recognize the achievements that make them the rising stars of the Garden State banking industry. Award winners exhibit the characteristics of true leaders and are outstanding professionals, mentors, teachers and colleagues. They support bank and industry initiatives that strengthen communities and help neighbors. These stars are nominated by their bank for the recognition. There were 37 nominations that a panel of independent judges reviewed for choosing the 19 2019 Rising Stars. Visit www.njbankers.com.

New deadline established for program

The Diocese of Metuchen is among the five Roman Catholic dioceses in New Jersey to announce a six-week extension for survivors of clergy sexual abuse who may still want to file a claim through the Independent Victims Compensation Program (IVCP). The deadline for the registration of new allegations has been extended until Friday, Jan. 31, while the deadline for the submission of all claims has been extended until Saturday, Feb. 15. Those survivors, who as minors were the victim of clergy sexual abuse and who now wish to pursue a claim through the IVCP, can begin the claims process by going to www.NJdiocesesIVCP.com. Since June 15, the IVCP has been accepting claims related to the sexual abuse of minors by diocesan priests and deacons in the five Roman Catholic Arch/Dioceses of Metuchen, Camden, Newark, Paterson and Trenton. The program was established to compensate those who, as children or young adults, were sexually abused by a priest or deacon of the Diocese. All victims — no matter when the abuse occurred — are eligible to participate, and all matters are handled confidentially.

Redesigned township and EBTV website 

The East Brunswick Township website has been redesigned and East Brunswick Municipal Access Channel, EBTV, is also sharing in the new website splendor. The new township and EBTV websites offer an improved user experience with an updated and modern appearance that are fully mobile-friendly. The township’s redesigned website retained the identical URL, eastbrunswick.org. EBTV’s new website is ebtv.org. The township website includes new features and integrates consistent branding and imaging.

New meeting for Al-Anon

Al-Anon is a confidential fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics. At meetings, attendees share experience, strength and hope; discuss difficulties; learn effective ways to cope with problems and encourage one another in recovery. The meeting will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesdays, beginning Wednesday, Jan. 8, at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, 142 Sand Hill Road, Monmouth Junction of South Brunswick. Meetings are in the classroom on the second floor. St. Barnabas also hosts AA meetings and Alateen meetings at the same time. Visit al-anon.org.


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Bill clears committee

Addressing systemic sexual abuse in New Jersey prisons, legislation sponsored by Assemblywomen Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D-Bergen), Yvonne Lopez (D-Middlesex) and Britnee N. Timberlake (D-Essex, Passaic) to set guidelines for in-service training of correctional police officers was advanced in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on Monday, Jan. 6. The bill (A-4086/S-2532) is one of five pieces of legislation drafted in response to an ongoing criminal probe at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women. Over the last few years, eight prison employees have been charged with sexually abusing inmates. In November 2018, a former senior officer at the prison was convicted of counts including sexual assault, criminal sexual contact and official misconduct. Under the bill, the Commissioner of Corrections would be required to institute a mandatory annual in-service training program of at least 20 hours for each correctional police officer in every state correctional facility. Of the 20 hours of training, at least four hours would have to focus on sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual harassment prevention as required pursuant to the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act; non-fraternization and undue familiarity; and conditioning and manipulation awareness. The remaining training hours would be dedicated to topics chosen by the training department of each facility from a list of approved courses developed by the commissioner. The bill now goes to the Speaker for further review. Visit www.assemblydems.com.

Rabies shot clinics

Rabies shot clinics for all dogs and cats will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Jan. 11 at Bernards Township Public Works Garage, 277 S. Maple Ave. in the Basking Ridge section of Bernards. No appointment necessary. 908-204-2520; www.bernardshealth.org.

Coughlin extends sympathies 

Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-Middlesex) issued the following statement Saturday, Jan. 4: “It is with heavy hearts that my family and I offer our condolences to the former mayor of Woodbridge, Philip Cerria and his family on the tremendous loss of his wife in a tragic accident on Friday. Our sincerest sympathies and heartfelt prayers for a rapid recovery are with you at this difficult time.” Visit www.assemblydems.com.

Director, deputy director named

Shanel Y. Robinson of Franklin was nominated as the director of the Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders for 2020 and was sworn in by Gov. Phil Murphy at the board’s annual reorganization meeting, held Jan. 3 at the Historic Courthouse in Somerville. Serving as deputy director this year will be Sara Sooy of Bound Brook. Robinson is the first African-American to be elected as Somerset County freeholder director and Sooy is the first Latino deputy director. Former Green Brook mayor and committeewoman Melonie Marano was elected to the board in November and was sworn in to her first three-year term by Murphy. Also taking the oath of office from the governor was newly-elected Sheriff Darrin J. Russo of Franklin, who replaces retired Sheriff Frank J. Provenzano in the three-year term. Freeholder Brian D. Levine, who joined the board in 2015, was sworn in as acting director by Superior Court Assignment Judge Yolanda Ciccone. For the first time, the annual reorganization meeting was livestreamed on the Somerset County website; it was also shown simultaneously in the Freeholders Meeting Room, in the county Administration Building. Visit www.co.somerset.nj.us.

‘Married With Laughter!’

“Married With Laughter!” featuring Jeff Norris and Renee DeLorenzo, hosted by Gemini, will be presented on Saturday, Jan. 18 at Knights of Columbus – Our Lady of Lourdes, 390 County Road 523, Whitehouse Station section of Readington. Dinner at 6:30 p.m.; show at 8 p.m. Tickets, $45, includes dinner, beer/wine and show. For tickets, call 908-256-9760, rhnidj70@gmail.com; 908-217-4330, tomdiquollo@aol.com.

Troop 102 Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

American Legion Post 401 and Troop 102, the extension of Troop 10 of Scouting USA for girls, will host a spaghetti dinner at the post hall, 148 Major Road, South Brunswick, on Saturday, Jan. 18 from 5 to 9 p.m. to raise funds for the troop’s projects. The menu will feature spaghetti, meatballs, salad, bread, coffee, tea, soda and desserts. Tickets are $10 per person, $12 at the door. For advance tickets or information, email boyscoutgirls@gmail.com.

Trischka to perform on Jan. 18 in Watchung

The Watchung Arts Center presents Tony Trischka, banjo virtuoso, will perform at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Watchung Arts Center, 18 Stirling Road in Watchung. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. To purchase tickets, visit watchungartscenter.eventbrite.com. Call 908-753-0190 or email  wacenter@optonline.net. Visit watchungarts.org. Tickets may also be purchased in person at the Watchung Arts Center office or by mail. Include an email address or phone number with mail orders. 

READ: Central Jersey Daily Rundown, Monday, Jan. 6

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