Cedar Grove Voters Overwhelmingly Approve School Referendum

CEDAR GROVE, NJ — The voters of Cedar Grove spoke on Tuesday, overwhelmingly approving a $2.96 million bond referendum that will beef up “security” at several public schools in the district, administrators said.

The referendum – which passed 809 to 266, not including provisional ballots – will fund construction projects at Cedar Grove High School, North End Elementary School, Memorial Middle School and South End Elementary School (see more details below).

Superintendent Michael Fetherman told Patch that while school administrators are pleased with the result, the 266 “no” votes came as a surprise.

“School safety is our number one priority here in Cedar Grove,” Fetherman said.

Cedar Grove Councilman Joe Cicala was another proponent of the referendum. He urged voters to choose “yes” on the ballot, and thanked the Cedar Grove Board of Education for “doing all that they can to ensure the safety of our children.”

Cicala wrote:

“This referendum deals with security and safety upgrades in all schools, site improvements and drainage issues, and ADA compliance issues.”

Cedar Grove school administrators held several public information workshops prior to Tuesday’s vote. The full referendum question follows below.

RESOLVED, that The Board of Education of the Township of Cedar Grove, in the County of Essex, New Jersey shall:

(A) undertake the following improvements (including related work and equipment) in the School District (the “Project”): (1) Cedar Grove High School – construction of a security vestibule and other security and safety upgrades and improvements and installation of an emergency generator; (2) North End Elementary School – construction of a security vestibule and other security and safety upgrades and improvements, construction of a handicapped access ramp and relocation of handicapped parking spaces; (3) Memorial Middle School – construction of a security vestibule and other security and safety upgrades and improvements; and (4) South End Elementary School – construction of a security vestibule and other security and safety upgrades and improvements, undertaking of drainage and site improvements and relocation of handicapped parking spaces;

(B) expend therefor not exceeding $2,964,816; and

(C) issue bonds or notes of the School District for the Project in the principal amount not exceeding $2,964,816. The Commissioner of Education (the “Commissioner”) has determined that the final eligible costs of the Project are $2,964,816, which has been allocated by the Commissioner as follows: Cedar Grove H.S. project – $1,140,711; North End E.S. project – $857,108; Memorial M.S. project – $525,810; and South End E.S. project – $441,187. The State of New Jersey, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7G-9, has approved debt service aid equal to 40% of the annual debt service due with respect to the final eligible costs of the Project. The School District may transfer a portion of the proposed local share cost of one project to another under circumstances permitted by statute.

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