Cedar Grove Swim A Thon to be held on Monday, July 9th 8-10pm




The Cedar Grove Swim Team will be holding its annual Swim-A-Thon on Monday, July 9th from 8-10pm. This year the team will be swimming for Alison Walton and her family. Participation in the Swim-A-Thon is for members of the Cedar Grove Panthers swim team only and will be held when the pool is closed to the public. Only the meet lanes will be open. There will be lifeguards on duty and coaches will be supervising. Swim Parents are welcome to stay, and swimmers will be given refreshments free of charge.

Alison Walton is a long-time resident of Cedar Grove and, unfortunately, was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer earlier this year. She has fought this battle with amazing strength and courage and always with a smile on her face. She is a true inspiration to all who battle this disease. We hope that our contribution will help to defray her high medical costs and pray that her battle will soon be over. Alison has three children in the Cedar Grove Schools and all are or have been swimmers on the Cedar Grove Swim Team over the years.

Anyone wishing to contribute to this worthy cause may do so in a variety of ways: Sponsor a local swimmer who will be participating in the event; contact cedargrovesplash@gmail.com to find a swimmer to sponsor or make a donation; stop by the pool during the Swim-A-Thon to make a contribution. The final check will be presented to the Walton Family at the Cedar Grove Swim Team end-of-season party on Thursday, July 26th.