Caldwell Residents Team Up to Feed Hungry Neighbors –

CALDWELL, NJ — In an effort to build community relationships and promote good citizenship, Caldwell residents from the local Caldwell Democrats teamed up with Jack’s Super Foodtown of Caldwell to hold a the first of what the groups hopes to be an annual food drive on Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day. 

The proceeds from the food drive were donated to the Caldwell Food Pantry, which helps local residents who are food insecure and in need of food.

Councilman Jonathan Lace, a member of the Caldwell Democrats, said that the group is made up of like-minded residents whose main goal is to promote good citizenship, and that participating in service projects like the food drive are a great way to acheive this goal.

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“Having the first food drive on MLK Day was very fitting because this day encourages Americans to give some of their time to volunteer,” said Lace, adding that the Democratic committee plans to host more service projects in the future after being pleasantly surprised and grateful for last week’s turnout of volunteers despite the cold

Lace thanked all the volunteers and donors who helped make the the food drive a huge success.

“We had over 80 donors who filled four shopping carts full of supplies for the Caldwell Food Pantry” said Lace. “Thanks to Jack for allowing us to set up inside on a cold day, and a special thanks to Rock ‘n’ Joe Coffee Bar for the hot chocolate and coffee on a cold day.”

Maria Burak, Director of Human Services for the Borough of Caldwell, explained that although the Caldwell Food Pantry is sponsored by the borough’s Department of Human Services, the department relies mostly on volunteers and the support of the community. Donations from the food drive will directly benefit local families who are currently food insecure and in need of a helping hand, she said.

“Please know how much we truly appreciate your kindness and support,” Burak said as she thanked the Caldwell Democrats and all those involved for their donations.

According to Burak, more than 2,280 bags of food were handed out to 84 different households last year. Those who benefitted from the Caldwell Food Pantry’s efforts in 2018 included 42 families with 69 children, 29 senior citizens and 13 adult couples, according to Burak.

Thanks to the MLK Day food drive, the human services department was able to maintain the food pantry and keep it stocked. This year alone, the pantry has already handed out 148 bags of food to 56 different households, Burak said.

Lace explained that the Caldwell Democrats is a group of concerned and engaged citizens of Caldwell and the surrounding area who pursue social justice through support of the local Democratic Party and progressive politics in town, county, state, and federal elections.

In addition to providing a forum for residents to share their views and “to help vet, nominate and elect members to the Caldwell Democratic Committee of Essex County,” Lace said the Caldwell Democrats also “strive to make Caldwell a better place to live through promoting the Common Good—especially by advocating for the poor and working families.”

“We model good citizenship by engaging in community service and promoting civil and transparent participation at all levels of government and in society,” he said.

Anyone needing assistance with food or who would like to make a donation is urged to contact the Department of Human Services at 973-403-4623.