Caldwell Kids Donate Allowances To Buy Food For Local Pantry – Caldwells, NJ Patch
ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — A simple good deed from a Caldwell family got a big “thank you” from the Human Needs Food Pantry of Montclair this week.
According to a Thursday social media post from the Essex County nonprofit, the Kaiser family made a smile-inducing donation of several boxes of cereal and other foods. The best part? It came from the Kaiser kids’ allowances.
The nonprofit wrote:
“Say hello to the Kaiser family from Caldwell! Becky Kaiser (the mom) came in today with her wonderful children Carter, Meghan, Evan and Patrick to deliver the numerous boxes of cereal and other foods they were donating. These awesome kids took their allowance money and purchased these items for the people in need who rely on us for assistance! Obviously the Kaisers are a caring and generous family and we deeply appreciate this wonderful act of generosity. THANK YOU Kaiser family!!!”
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