Big source of Murphy ‘dark money’ group’s money is revealed – Politico

Good Monday morning!

For 140 days, I’ve kept count of how long it’s been since the Murphy-aligned group “New Direction New Jersey” reneged on its promise to reveal its donors.

But now I can reveal one of them. Hold onto your seat.

The New Jersey Education Association gave New Direction New Jersey $2.5 million shortly after its formation, according to the union’s own January 2018 Delegate Assembly meeting minutes, as discovered by Mike Lilley, a longtime NJEA opponent who recently founded an organization that will publish papers on how the union operates.

We don’t know at this point if the NJEA has given more money to New Direction New Jersey in the roughly 1.5 years since that initial infusion.

So, wasn’t it assumed by pretty much everyone that the NJEA was at least a major funder of New Direction New Jersey, or even the primary one? Why, yes, of course. Which naturally raises the question of why New Direction New Jersey made the decision to keep its donors secret.

And even though this was widely assumed to be the case, it’s important to put this information in the public record. The more we know about who funds these non-profit groups that operate in the shadows, the better.

Read my story here.


QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I’m a civic leader. … I’m chairman of the largest employer in South Jersey, and I head one of the largest insurance brokerage firms. I have a right to be engaged.” — George Norcross III More here

WHERE’S MURPHY? — At the Hard Rock In Atlantic City for a 10 a.m. speech at the Laborers’ eastern regional conference

HAPPY BIRTHDAY — State Sen. Nellie Pou, NJ Advance Media’s Tom Martello, LiUNA’s James Sverapa

NORCROSS-LINKED COMPANIES THREATEN TO MOVE TO RANCHO CARNE, CA — “‘Bring it on!’ Murphy task force lawyer scoffs at Democratic power broker’s lawsuit threat,” by NJ Advance Media’s Ted Sherman: “Those being targeted in an ongoing investigation of New Jersey’s controversial tax incentive programs insist that Gov. Phil Murphy’s task force behind the inquiry is itself illegal, and have threatened legal action against the state. Task force attorneys, meanwhile, aren’t worried about any potential lawsuit. ‘Bring it on,’ declared Jim Walden, a New York-based attorney who serves as special counsel to the task force which has sparked all-out war between Murphy and South Jersey power broker George Norcross, whose business interests appear to have become a central focus of the high-profile investigation … lawyers for Norcross and other companies tied to the Camden County Democratic said Walden is not licensed to practice law in New Jersey, and maintain that’s a problem … Walden said that instead of cooperating with requests for information as many other companies being examined by the task force have done, those tied to Norcross have challenged the legality of the task force. ‘I can’t explain the motivation behind it, but it doesn’t seem to me that it’s a terribly credible position to take,’ Walden said in an interview on Friday.” Read more here

HANGIN’ WITH MR. COOPER —“Norcross subsidy for Cooper Hospital has a bad stink on it,” by The Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran: “Norcross hasn’t been accused of wrongdoing, but he says he’s furious because the inquiry is unfair in 100 ways, a show trial put on by Murphy intended to persecute him over their political differences. I have a different theory: Norcross is nervous. Because of the cases scrutinized so far, the worst stench comes from a $40 million award for Cooper Health System, where Norcross serves as chairman of the board …. In its initial application, Cooper told the Economic Development Authority that these jobs were not at risk of leaving the state. But a month later, in a series of emails in December 2014, it told the EDA that it had found viable space to relocate its offices in downtown Philadelphia. In the same month, a Cooper official turned up the heat by warning the EDA that the terms of its tentative lease in Philadelphia had improved, ‘meaning that there is more of a burden to Cooper to remain in New Jersey.’ And when the EDA awarded the $40 million subsidy, its board explicitly cited that threat, which increased the value of the subsidy: ‘The applicant has certified that the 353 New Jersey jobs listed in the application are at risk of being located outside the state,’ the award memo states. But did Cooper ever really intend to move those jobs? There is ample evidence showing that it’s simply not true.” Read more here

— “Meet the fixers pitting states against each other to win tax breaks for new factories” Read more here

I HAVE NO STRONG FEELINGS ABOUT THIS — “Surprise N.J. weed bill would decriminalize up to 2 ounces, see widespread expungements. Here’s the plan,” by NJ Advance Media’s Payton Guion: “When state Senate President Stephen Sweeney said this week that state lawmakers would move ahead on a bill to expunge the records of people in New Jersey with cannabis offenses without legalizing recreational marijuana in the state, many people were left asking questions. How could the state clear hundreds of thousands of weed possession convictions when the underlying charge remains a crime? But a new plan lawmakers will consider next week that addresses expungement would also essentially decriminalize low-level possession in New Jersey — a big change from what had previously been in the expungement bills. Lawmakers will also consider a bill that would expand the state’s medical cannabis program. NJ Advance Media obtained a copy of the new expungement bill and the plan would reduce penalties for possession up to two ounces, making it a civil citation instead of a criminal offense. This would mean that people caught with that amount of weed would no longer get arrested if the bill were to pass. They would instead pay a $50 fine.” Read more here

—New medical marijuana bill would cap cultivation facilities, by POLITICO’s Sam Sutton: The latest version of a bill that would expand the state’s medical marijuana program would cap the number of cannabis cultivation facilities in New Jersey at around two dozen, according to three sources with knowledge of the legislation. The latest version of the new text for the bill, NJ S10 (18R), hasn’t been released publicly. Legislative committees are scheduled to hold hearings on the measure on Monday, along with companion bills that would decriminalize marijuana possession and expunge criminal records. Read more here

—“N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy: ‘Fairly troubling’ evidence has emerged from tax incentive probe” Read more here

—“Pension fights. No legal weed. Twisted Sister? Here’s your primer to crazy time N.J. politics” Read more here

—“What you need to know about top Democrat’s huge N.J. plans for pensions, merging schools and more” Read more here

—“How will extending statute of limitations in sex abuse cases impact New Jersey?” Read more here

—“You can be dead and stay active in Jersey politics. Here’s how politicians influence elections from the great beyond” Read more here

“Bad rap? Cory Booker freestyles to make point,” by The New York Daily News’ Dave Goldiner: “Cory Booker is no Jay-Z. And that’s just the way it should be. The Democratic presidential wannabe tried his hand at freestyle rhyming during an appearance on MSNBC. It didn’t go well.” See the video

—Kelly: “Cory Booker’s risky and brave gun control agenda” Read more here

—“Cory Booker: An open letter to men on abortion” Read more here

NJ LAW TO REQUIRE ALL CASH PAYMENTS BE MADE VIA BROWN PAPER BAG — “Philly, N.J. inspire a national ‘movement’ to ban cashless stores,” by The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Christian Hetrick: “Months after Philadelphia and New Jersey passed laws requiring retailers to take cash, lawmakers in Congress are seeking to ban cashless stores across the country. U.S. Reps. Donald Payne (D., N.J.) and David Cicilline (D., R.I.) introduced competing bills last week that would force brick-and-mortar retailers to accept cash. Both bills would exclude online transactions and those done over the phone, though the proposals differ over who would enforce such a law … The federal proposal comes after local lawmakers banned cashless stores in Philly — the nation’s poorest large city — and New Jersey despite criticism from business groups, which saw it as unnecessary government interference. Often, businesses say they go cashless to reduce the risk of being robbed and avoid the hassle of handling cash.” Read more here

WEED WATCH — How Democrats are failing on legalized marijuana, by POLITICO’s Paul Demko, Shia Kapos and Sam Sutton: Disputes over addressing racial and economic justice issues, home cultivation of cannabis plants and marijuana-related state revenue have splintered Democrats as they seek to corral enough votes for passage. “The legislative process is difficult, it’s complicated and it’s really challenging to get agreement on a large-scale social reform,” said John Hudak, a senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution and author of “Marijuana: A Short History”, noting that marijuana advocates often overestimate its salience. “While cannabis reform is very popular, it’s not something that most Americans feel passionately about.” Marijuana advocates point to some unlikely victories in parts of the country that have previously been hostile. The Alabama Senate, for example, recently approved medical marijuana legislation, and the Texas House has advanced bills reducing penalties for marijuana possession and expanding its medical program. But overall, the year has not lived up to their expectations. Read more here

HATE SPEECH — “Anti-Muslim groups funded by local charities, report finds,” by The Record’s Hannan Adely: “American charities steered $125 million to groups that spread anti-Muslim hate and propaganda during the three-year period ending in 2016, according to a report by a Muslim advocacy group. These charities included at least 30 foundations in New Jersey … In some cases, foundations may be donating to organizations while unaware of their role in anti-Islam activity, according to CAIR, the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization … The report listed more than 800 foundations and charities whose money went to groups viewed by CAIR as promoting anti-Muslim speech and activity between 2014 and 2106. Some are foundations whose families have helped educational, cultural and health institutions for generations. Among them was the Sarna Family Foundation in Englewood, which gave $500 to the Clarion Project, which produces and distributes films promoting anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization that monitors extremists. Asked about their support, trustee Mark Sarna said it was ‘because generally they tell the truth.’ He declined further comment.” Read more here

—“We’ll see you in court, Mr. Trump. That’s what N.J. lawmaker said after subpoena for income tax returns was rejected” Read more here

—“ICE arrests 13 in latest New Jersey sweep” Read more here

THE SETH GROSSMAN SCHOOL OF POLITICS — ”Opponents slam Hamilton GOP gadfly over racist, Islamophobic posts,” by The Trentonian’s Isaac Avilucea and Sulaiman Abdur-Rahman: “[David] Henderson, a former campaign manager for a group of township school board candidates and former freeholder candidate Michael Silvestri, is running against incumbent Mayor Kelly Yaede in the June 4 Republican primary. He’s now under fire for some of the online posts he’s made over the years, brought to The Trentonian’s attention by a township Democrat who was tired of the ‘Grade-A hypocrisy’ she says has defined the mayoral primary race … s Facebook posts include pictures of severed pig heads with messages such as ‘Sharia Law Saturday. Ha! There is no Sharia Law in America.’ Another of a body builder carrying two pigs in each hand declared, ‘Happy Ramadan.’ … Henderson also made light of the torturous practice of waterboarding … In another post, Henderson, who supports President Donald Trump’s hard push for a border wall, suggests immigrants from Central America have ‘low IQs.’” Read more here

MO MONEY — “Toms River mayoral candidate wins $26K in campaign money from GOP,” by The Asbury Park Press’ Jean Mikle: “Councilman Maurice B. ‘Mo’ Hill Jr. will soon receive nearly $26,000 to assist his insurgent mayoral campaign after a Superior Court judge ordered the Toms River Regular Republican Club to release the funds to Hill on Friday. Judge Francis R. Hodgson Jr. said that the club must turn the funds over to Hill’s campaign by noon today. Hill, a four-term councilman, is competing in a crowded GOP primary with fellow Councilman Daniel T. Rodrick and former Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph D. Coronato. ‘It seems appropriate that Mo Hill should have access to the 25 percent of funds that were raised in his name,’ Hodgson said Friday.” Read more here

CALLING BULLSCHI — “Lakewood SCHI founder’s 60-day sentence challenged by prosecutors,” by The Asbury Park Press’ Stacey Barchenger: “Prosecutors who won convictions against the founder of a Lakewood special education school are appealing his sentence of probation and 60 days in jail. The sentence fell far short of the 12-year prison term prosecutors argued Rabbi Osher Eisemann, of the School for Children with Hidden Intelligence, deserved. It also deviated from state statute, which says Eisemann faced a presumptive sentence of five to 10 years in prison for each of two second-degree convictions for money laundering and misconduct by a corporate official. Now prosecutors have asked an appeals court to review the punishment doled out by Superior Court Judge Benjamin Bucca, sitting in Middlesex County, according to a spokesman for the state Office of the Attorney General.” Read more here

FROM VOTE BY MAIL TO VOTE BY JAIL? — “After man shows up at post office with more ballots hours after polls closed, Essex officials refer matter to prosecutors,” by New Jersey Globe’s Nikita Biryukov: “The Essex County Board of Elections has referred five vote-by-mail ballots cast after the polls closed in Cedar Grove to federal and state law enforcement officials. Councilman Harry Kumburis, who lost his seat in Tuesday’s non-partisan municipal election by 33 votes, was caught on tape after 10 PM ringing a doorbell in what could be viewed as an effort to get voters who requested VBM ballots to return them.” Read more here

I MISSED WHEN THE CITY OF CAMDEN CHANGED ITS NAME TO ‘COMPANIES THAT ALLEGEDLY LIED ON OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS’ — “Camden officials: Gov. Murphy is unwelcome until he ‘stops attacking city,’” by TAPIntoCamden’s Vincent DeBlasio; “The city-affiliated leaders have issued a statement that Murphy ‘is not welcome in Camden until he stops attacking the city and the progress it’s making.’ This comes in reference to an investigation into the Economic Development Authority’s issuance of tax incentives statewide, including $1.6 billion to Camden, by a task force that Murphy commissioned. ‘…(Murphy) has repeatedly attacked or otherwise tried to stop the progress the city is making while he’s been in office,’ read the statement on Friday from Mayor Frank Moran, city council president Curtis Jenkins and state Sen. Nilsa Cruz-Perez.” Read more here

NEWARK — “National pro-charter school groups spent $100K on N.J. school board race,” by NJ Chalkbeat’s Patrick Wall: “The winning candidates in Newark’s recent school board race got a nearly $100,000 boost from a group backed by charter school advocates, according to new campaign filings. The group, called Great Schools for All PAC, spent more than $97,000 supporting the team of three politician-endorsed candidates who swept last month’s election, the filings show. By far the biggest spender in the race, the group netted most of its money from donors based outside Newark.” Read more here

BETTER THAN BEES! — “Oprah shows up to N.J. school, surprises students with $500,000 gift,” by NJ Advance Media’s Barry Carter: “Remember when Ellen DeGeneres had him on her talk show twice? She gave him $50,000 each time for his ‘Lights On’ program that keeps kids off the street from 6 p.m. to midnight. Well, Oprah Winfrey wants the lights to stay on for a long time, too. In a surprise visit Friday evening, Winfrey dropped in to say she is giving $500,000 to West Side’s summer initiative, which is also held during the school year on Friday nights.” Read more here

THE AIRBORNE TOXIC EVENT MEETS MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE — “Kearny chemical fire: Pulaski Skyway reopens, air quality appears O.K.,” by NJ Advance Media’s Stephen Stirling: “The Pulaski Skyway remains closed following a 4-alarm fire at a chemical plant in Kearny early Saturday morning, but local officials say testing has shown no threat to air quality. The fire broke out at a building of Alden Leeds, a company that makes and stores chlorine tablets for use in pools, which caused extra concern due to the compound’s toxicity. Firefighters brought the blaze under control Saturday morning, but concerns about air quality and safety lingered, prompting officials in Bayonne and Kearny to urge residents to keep their windows closed. However, testing around the area has shown no significant air quality issues, according to local government officials, and there are currently no advisories in effect. Still, emergency officials urged residents to head inside if they smell smoke or chemicals.” Read more here

—“Passaic residents don’t support plan to swap city land with developer” Read more here

—“Roque files for recount” Read more here

—“Students rally against controversial Meadowlands power plant project” Read more here

—“It’s way more than an airport. 108 people live in this tiny N.J. town.” Read more here

— “Video: Dover police seen punching suspect in the face as he was restrained on the ground” Read more here

“Rutgers University to ban romantic relationships between faculty and students,” by The Record’s Catherine Carrera: “Rutgers University faculty and their students — both undergrads and graduates — are not currently prohibited from being in a sexual or romantic relationship. If a faculty member violates university policy, or faces allegations of unprofessional or inappropriate behavior, the faculty member is not required to disclose that information to their superiors. And deans, department heads and faculty have no training programs on how to prevent or handle cases of harassment in any form. All of that is about to change.” Read more here

—“Audible just opened an office inside an old N.J. church, complete with organ pipes and stained glass” Read more here