Bayonne Plastic Bag Ban Goes Into Effect Wednesday –

BAYONNE, NJ – Bayonne residents preparing for the city’s plastic bag ban need look no further than Stop & Shop for reusable bags, store officials said in a statement. 

On Wednesday, the story will provide the first 300 customers that request one with a free reusable shopping bag. The effort follows a similar one by Bayonne Assemblyman Nicholas Chiaravalloti who distributed hundreds of reusable bags soon after the pending ban was announced.

According to legislation passed earlier this year, starting on January 1 “no retail establishment shall provide any single-use, plastic carry-out bags to a customer at the checkout stand, cash register, point of sale, or other point of departure for the purpose of transporting products or goods out of the business or store, except as otherwise provided” in the ordinance.

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Exceptions include bags used to deliver loose produce or products to a check out counter; laundry and dry cleaning bags; newspaper bags, bags used to contain or wrap frozen food, meat, or other items to prevent or contain moisture; bags provided by pharmacists to contain prescription drugs; or bags sold in packages intended for garbage, pet waste, or yard waste.

Saying that together with their parent company Ahold Delhaize, Stop &Shop has  successfully removed more than 1 billion plastic bags from the waste stream to date, their store at 1 LeFante Way will comply with local restrictions by eliminating single use bags from their checkouts.