The week NJ could delay redistricting – POLITICO – Politico

Good Monday morning! I hope you survived a whole week without New Jersey Playbook.

This week, Democrats hope to send a constitutional amendment to voters that would delay the state legislative redistricting process by about a year due to delays in getting Census data and keep the 2011-drawn state legislative districts in place for an extra two years, until 2023. It’s scheduled for votes in both houses Thursday, and Democrats will need to pass it with three-fifths majorities to put it before voters.

The amendment is pretty straightforward.There’s no question that the Census data will be delayed until June, which would at the very least force a several-month delay in the primary — and that would include some very tight deadlines. But part of the reason Democrats were so aggressive pushing this is because, based on a memo, they already believed the Trump administration would try to find a way to send population data based on citizenship, not residency. That fear was borne out last week. (While the controversy over this has focused on House districts — which the New Jersey amendment does nothing to address — the same data is presumably used to draw state legislative districts, which would normally have to be drawn sooner.)

Republicans are unified in opposition to the amendment, but the bulk of the people testifying against it have been progressives and academics. Their complaints focus mainly on the fact that state’s growing Asian and Hispanic population would be underrepresented for two more years, that it’s not necessary to make this a permanent change to the state constitution, and that as long as we’re amending the Constitution we might as well put a whole host of redistricting reforms in there.

But I have to wonder if any of this opposition is built on mistrust of legislative Democrats, who in recent years twice tried to ram through a much more far-reaching constitutional amendment, while the state was under no pressing circumstances — an amendment that would have baked a formula in their favor into the redistricting process. Can you see why people would question New Jersey Democrats’ intentions after that?

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QUOTE OF THE DAY: “It certainly is until it’s ruled otherwise.” — State Sen. Dick Codey (D-Essex) on his bill to bar prosecutors from running for office until three years after they’ve left their jobs.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: CCDC’s Mike Porch. Missed Sunday: State Sen. Steve Oroho, Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson

WHERE’S MURPHY?: In Trenton for his coronavirus press conference at 1 p.m. Media: CNN at 8 a.m., Fox 5 at 8:30 a.m.

CORONAVIRUS TRACKER: 512 newly-diagnosed cases for a total of 179,363. 11 more deaths for a total of 13,867

EDUCATION — New Jersey gives option for remote-only learning to all students, by POLITICO’s Samantha Maldonado and Sam Sutton: All New Jersey students will have the option of full-time remote learning in the fall, Gov. Phil Murphy said Friday. The state Department of Education added the remote-only guidance for families who choose to eschew in-person schooling to its “Restart and Recovery” education plan, first released last month. With the school year slated to begin in six weeks, school districts only have a short window to meet the core elements of the DOE’s guidance. Remote learning must be universally available, per the DOE, including for students who receive special education or related services.

— “Will schools be safe?: Teachers share fears as they prepare for NJ schools opening,” by The Record’s Hannan Adley: “Michelle Polo-Thorpe takes 14 vitamins a day as part of a health regime to try to boost her immune system before returning to work in the fall. Affected by chronic Lyme disease, the Paterson middle school teacher fears that if she catches COVID-19, it could be devastating … Across the state, educators, bus drivers, classroom aides and other staff are voicing concerns and fears over plans to reopen schools amid a pandemic that has killed about 145,000 Americans since March. A ’refuse to return’ movement is growing and pressure is building on the state to provide more health and safety protections and to delay opening. Some workers have health conditions that expose them to greater risk if they fall ill from the coronavirus. Others fear they might sicken elderly or immune-compromised family members at home. They worry, too, about students spreading the virus when they leave school buildings.”

THIS ISN’T WHAT ‘AT WILL EMPLOYMENT’ IS SUPPOSED TO MEAN — “NJ teachers add updating wills to back-to-school to-do list amid pandemic,” by Jessica Ward for The Record: ”I am a 28-year-old teacher in a small, middle-class district in Bergen County. I have an amazing toddler and husband who are my everything. I have my dream job — teaching Special Education students … But now, as COVID-19 has uprooted the lives of so many — myself included, I did something today that I did not anticipate myself doing for another 10 to 15 years. My husband, another educator, and I updated our wills. We left our little boy as our beneficiary and outlined the details of what his life should look like if COVID-19 happens to claim one or both of our lives. I cannot imagine leaving my little boy all alone in this world — but that is the fate that our state is pushing for.”

State’s nonpublic schools face a financial reckoning

—“Profile: Interim schools chief jumps into the fire

—“It’s unsafe to reopen schools. Don’t do it, says N.J. union representing 12K teachers

UNEMPLOYMENT — “Thousands of New Jersey workers have waited months for unemployment help, with no answer,” by The Record’s Ashley Balcerzak: “The Labor Department says it has distributed at least one payment to 96% of 1.2 million eligible claimants since mid-March, or about $11.6 billion. But following that math, there are still some 48,000 people waiting for help, that labor officials say have very specialized cases that need more time. To help clear the backlog, the Labor Department has trained more employees to handle claims, set up a new call center, and automated certain processes that would have required a caller to talk to an overwhelmed employee, agency officials said … The USA TODAY Network New Jersey receives new emails each day from readers seeking help to get checks from the insurance fund they paid into for years. They say while they have overwhelmingly supported Murphy’s decisions to stem the spread of the virus, his administration is running out of excuses as to why all claimants have not been helped four months after unemployment applications began to spike.”

OPACITY — “Most nursing homes are for-profit and N.J. doesn’t exactly know who owns them. Can they be held accountable?,” by NJ Advance Media’s Ted Sherman: “Increasingly, nursing homes have been turning to complex ownership and management deals involving separate operating companies and rental agreements with property owners serving as landlords for the actual buildings. Critics, however, say such agreements create ‘opaque financials’ that make it hard to tell just who is behind the operation of a long-term care facility. And according to a recent consultant’s report for the New Jersey Department of Health, it serves to obscure those responsible for delivering care, ‘curtailing the ability of the state and residents to hold them accountable.’”

—“Half of Black renters in NJ won’t make August rent, report finds

—“Julie & Mike mull Murphy’s re-election, and reopening schools: Can you blame a teacher who refuses to show up?

Murphy, lawmakers push for health insurance tax as business leaders cry foul

STILL SOME JUICE IN THAT ORANGE — Chris Christie cashes in on coronavirus lobbying, by POLITICO’s Theodoric Meyer and Adam Cancryn: Chris Christie dreamed of becoming president. Now, he’s settling for a different role in Washington: lobbyist. The former New Jersey governor is making big money from businesses trying to tap the gusher of coronavirus relief funds coming from the federal government. Newly filed disclosures show Christie’s firm pulled in $240,000 in less than three months for lobbying the Trump administration on coronavirus aid on behalf of three New Jersey hospital systems and a Tennessee-based chain of addiction treatment centers.

NOT SO KEAN ON IT — “Movers and Shakers: NJ GOP breathes a sigh of relief after President Trump cancels convention,” by The Record’s Charles and Stile: “Jacksonville would have been the hottest place in the political universe next month — but late Thursday, President Donald Trump canceled the Republican National Convention that was to be held in that COVID hot spot. For some New Jersey Republicans, the cancelation was cause for deep sighs of relief … Al Barlas, the Essex County Republican chairman and one of the 10 at-large delegates who would be expected to cast a ballot for Trump, also planned to stay home. Barlas said his wife is pregnant with their second child and he didn’t want to risk bringing the virus home after the convention. And Morris County Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce, an alternate, also planned to stay away … This fall, state Sen. Thomas H. Kean, R-Westfield, is running against the freshman Malinowski. Kean was also not planning to make the rounds in Jacksonville, but Harrison Neely, his spokesman, said his plans had nothing to do with Trump. Kean is focusing on his ‘day job’ in the state Senate and focusing on his congressional campaign, he said.”

NUMBER OF NJ LAWSUITS AGAINST TRUMP ADMIN APPROACH NUMBER OF SEATS IN THE LEGISLATURE — “N.J. sues to block Trump from not counting undocumented immigrants in plan to dole out House seats,” by NJ Advance Media’s Blake Nelson: “New Jersey is suing to stop President Donald Trump’s plan to not count undocumented immigrants in the process that decides how many representatives each state sends to Congress. A total of 20 states and several local governments from around the country filed the lawsuit Friday in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. ‘The President’s plainly illegal action not only dehumanizes members of our community but also seeks to punish states like New Jersey with larger immigrant populations,’ state Attorney General Gurbir Grewal said in a statement.”

PARANOIA PARANOIA EVERYBODY’S COMING TO GET ME — “‘I’m scared.’ Gun applications triple in NJ following Black Lives Matter protests,” by The Asbury Park Press’ Ken Serrano: “Tens of thousands of New Jersey residents rushed to buy guns following the Black Lives Matter protests, an Asbury Park Press review of gun permit data found. Firearm applications in the state more than tripled from May through June, with some towns seeing a 1,000% boost in demand. ‘People have specifically mentioned the protests,’ said Joe Hawk, owner of the Guns & Roses gun shop in Toms River. ‘People are telling us the same thing over and over again, they are literally panicked. They’re mentioning the taboo words, which of course are revolution … socialism, communism.’”

MEANWHILE — “Misogynistic lawyer who killed judge’s son had list of possible targets,” by The New York Times’ William K. Rashbaum: “An openly misogynistic lawyer who is believed to have killed the son of a female federal judge in New Jersey had a list of more than a dozen other possible targets, including three other judges and two doctors, three people with knowledge of the matter said. The list was found on Monday inside a rented car on a rural road in the Catskills in New York, where the lawyer, Roy Den Hollander, 72, had killed himself.”

DNC DELEGATE DIVERSITY PLAN INCLUDES SLOT FOR MAR-A-LAGO MEMBERS — “George Norcross, others will keep Democratic National Committee posts for another four years,” by New Jersey Globe’s David Wildstein: “The five incumbent Democratic National Committee members from New Jersey are expected to be re-elected to new four-year terms this evening when the Democratic State Committee holds a virtual meeting to formally choose At-Large and Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) delegates to the Democratic National Convention. The incumbents — George E. Norcross III, Marcia Marley, Tonio Burgos, John F.X. Graham and Bernadette McPherson — have no apparent opposition to their re-election bids. Norcross’ re-election marks a slight détente with Gov. Phil Murphy, the titular head of the state Democratic Party. Murphy had to have signed off on Norcross’ re-election, since he controls a majority of votes on the Democratic State Committee.”

—Moran: “How best to lift prospects of African-Americans? Cory Booker has a compelling plan that’s gaining traction

—“‘We want dignity and respect’: Immigrants and advocates protest at Goya’s NJ headquarters

UNSHORETAINTY — “At the Jersey Shore in a season like no other, the winners and losers from restaurants to real estate,” by The Philadelphia Inquirer’ Amy S. Rosenberg: “It’s an unusual summer at the Jersey Shore, to say the least, this summer of the pandemic and George Floyd protests. Streets are shut down, tents erected, and restaurants shifted to outdoor seating, with varying results. Houses, meanwhile, are selling fast, up and down the Shore. Fish purveyors are doing brisk business for the cook-at-homers. Amusement parks and motels can open, but can’t find enough staff. In short: Some are thriving; others struggling. In some ways, the Shore is the place where people are determined to carry on as normal.”

TRENTON MAKES THE WORLD INEBRIATES — “Trenton cop found a flask inside a councilwoman’s car after crash, tried covering it up,” by The Trentonian’s Isaac Avilucea: “City police officer Derek Simpson made a startling discovery in the glove compartment of councilwoman Marge Caldwell-Wilson’s vehicle earlier this year — a silver flask. Finding a flask — often used to store alcohol — may have raised another officer’s suspicion that Caldwell-Wilson could have been under the influence during a Feb. 2 two-vehicle crash along Route 129 in the capital city. Not Simpson. Not only did he not mention the flask in a report that he filed with findings of the crash investigation, but body-worn camera footage that The Trentonian had to sue to uncover showed Simpson purposely hiding the flask from being captured on another officer’s body-worn camera … In an interview this week, Caldwell-Wilson acknowledged paying the fines after being ticketed once it was determined that she was at fault for the crash. She was not cited for having the flask in her vehicle, which she could have been under New Jersey’s open container law, and denied having a sip of alcohol at any point before the crash. ‘It was in the middle of the afternoon on a Sunday, for crying out loud,’ she said.”

DUMBBELLMAWR — “Court rules New Jersey can shut down gym that defied closure,” by The AP: “A state judge ruled Friday that New Jersey authorities can shut down a gym that has repeatedly defied Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order to remain closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ruling held Atilis Gym of Bellmawr, in the Philadelphia suburbs, in contempt of court. It authorized the state health department to put locks on the doors or put up barriers to ensure compliance. Ian Smith, one of the gym’s owners, said in a video posted on Facebook Friday that he would remain at the gym and that ‘we will not back down under any circumstances.’”

SOMERSET COUNTY — “Mironov faces Schroth in vote for Mercer Dem chairman next week,” by New Jersey Globe’s David Wildstein: “The election for Mercer County Democratic Chair will take place on July 28 as scheduled after the county clerk’s office confirmed that the results of the July 7 primary election will be certified by the end of today. Incumbent Janice Mironov faces a challenge for a second term from Ewing Councilman David Schroth, who entered the race last week. The last minute fight has sent shock waves through the county and has forced many top Democrats to take sides in what has increasingly become a vicious battle.”

—“Why aren’t Middletown partygoers helping COVID investigators? Underage drinking, Murphy says

—“Gaburo shifts from county chairman to state committeeman

—“It’s official: Incumbent upset in Hardyston primary race

—“Sayegh: Paterson must embrace wellness campaign

—“North Bergen looks to extend moratorium on rent hikes

SCARLET FEVER KNIGHTS — “Rutgers football pauses in-person team activities after 6 positive COVID-19 tests,” by The Asbury Park Press’ Chris Iseman: “Rutgers became the latest college football program to pause in-person team activities after six members tested positive for COVID-19 in its latest testing cycle, the school announced in a statement Saturday. The entire program will be quarantined and the program ‘’will work diligently with Rutgers medical experts, and state and local officials to determine next steps,’ according to the statement.”

IT’S SHARED SACRIFICE BECAUSE THE FOOTBALL COACH IS TAKING A 10% CUT ON HIS $4M SALARY — “Rutgers to lay off 62 mental health workers amid coronavirus budget crunch,” by NJ Advance Media’s Rebecca Panico: “Marsha Escalliere learned she would be laid off from her job as a children’s counselor at Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care in Essex County about three months after her father died from the coronavirus. ‘I had to work with the community and children in crisis and then I also had to deal with my own crisis with my dad passing in April,; said Escalliere, who responds to the homes of children and young adults if they’re experiencing a mental health episode. ‘And now to receive a layoff notice at this time, it’s disappointing.’ She is one of the dozens of mental health employees the Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE) union says received notices Thursday informing them their last day of work would be Aug. 22. Rutgers says they are eliminating 62 University Behavioral Health Care employees due to an anticipated $260 million shortfall caused by COVID-19.”

—“Rutgers Health Care, RWJ plan massive partnership. Where does that leave University Hospital?