Annual Morrow Church Turnover Sale Goes Online – The Village Green
From the Morrow Church Turnover Sale:
Although the annual Morrow Church Turnover Sale is in its 87th year, Covid-19 has forced it into the digital age. Instead of having hordes of shoppers blanket Morrow’s hallways in the month of July, scouring rooms for bargains galore, the sale has a more limited but equally eclectic selection of goods available online.
Simply go to http://morrow-turnover-
As always, the money raised by the sale is used to benefit women and children near and far. Traditionally, the sale pays for the youth programs at the church, which are open to all members of the community regardless of whether they attend Morrow or not. It also distributes funds to the Achieve Foundation, the South Orange-Maplewood School District Parenting Center, the South Mountain YMCA, the Clara Maas Safe House, Planned Parenthood, Goodwill, MEND Hunger Relief Network and IHN [Interfaith Hospitality Network of Essex County].
Farther afield, money has helped to build and outfit a school in Sierra Leone, to operate a maternity clinic in Haiti and to rebuild homes in New Jersey affected by Sandy. A large chunk of money is set aside for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), one of the world’s most respected crisis response organizations.
During the pandemic, UMCOR has been offering grants to regional nonprofits to fight food and water insecurity in this country and elsewhere. Next year, the needs will be even greater.
Money raised today will help the Morrow United Methodist Women continue to do their part to help meet those needs.