NJ students: Dream comes true for Gomez – My Central Jersey

From an early age, Liliana Gomez understood the importance of education. Neither of her parents had an opportunity to attend college and she dreamed of one day going to college and earning a degree.

Liliana Gomez of Bound Brook earned a high school diploma and college degree.

Her dream came true this spring — well before the 18-year-old Bound Brook resident walks across the stage at her high school’s in-person graduation ceremony on Friday, July 10.  

As part of her program at the Somerset County Vocational and Technical Schools’ Academy for Health and Medical Sciences (AHMS), Gomez took classes at Raritan Valley Community College (RVCC).

In the four years that it takes most students to get a high school diploma, she also earned an associate’s degree in general sciences. She’s headed to Quinnipiac University in Connecticut in the fall to study engineering.

 “I knew this program would help me achieve my dream,” Gomez said. “The program gave me countless opportunities and exposure to college courses, which prepared me for success in the future.”

Gomez is one of 30 students from AHMS to earn an associate’s degree at RVCC. Across the state, 161 students from eight county vocational-technical schools received their high school diplomas this month, while simultaneously earning their associate’s degree.

It is the largest number of students graduating with associate’s degrees since county vocational-technical schools began offering dual-credit options that enable students to take college level courses as part of career and technical education programs at their high schools.

For students who pursue the opportunity to earn an associate’s degree while finishing high school, the payoff is big — a two-year head start on college and their career, as well as saving tens of thousands of dollars on tuition. In addition, the chance to try out college early gives students a clear sense of their academic and career focus when they matriculate full-time.

“Career and technical education is designed to provide clear pathways to college and career, and more than 10,000 county vocational-technical high school students take college-level classes each year,” said Judy Savage, executive director of the New Jersey Council of County Vocational-Technical Schools. “But these students who have translated that opportunity into a two-year college degree while finishing high school are extraordinary.”

The federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act requires career and technical education programs to include post secondary articulation agreements that enable high school students to simultaneously earn high school and college credits. Each of the state’s 21 county vocational-technical schools has multiple articulation agreements with their county college, and other two and four-year colleges and universities, that enable students to earn credit for college-level work as part of their high school career and technical education program.

However, several, including Somerset County Vocational and Technical Schools, have taken it a step further with programs that give high school students the opportunity to complete an associate’s degree. And in other counties, it is the students themselves who have doubled down on available college courses to complete two-year college degrees before donning their high school cap and gown.

“New Jersey’s community colleges enjoy a special relationship with New Jersey’s county vocational technical schools, working in collaboration to prepare students for careers in the innovation economy,” said Aaron R. Fichtner, Ph.D., president of the New Jersey Council of County Colleges.

“These 161 graduates represent the best of what our relationship can deliver,” Fichtner said. “We are committed to these dual enrollment programs to allow for affordable pathways to post-secondary education and efficient entry into the workforce.”

Dual credit programs are now widely available to students in many different career programs, including manufacturing technology, health sciences, engineering, culinary arts, and computer science.

Gomez said the while the workload was heavy, the staff at her high school and her professors at Raritan Valley were always available to help her.

“Their only goal was to see us succeed,” she said. “I feel more prepared for next year and the years after with the exposure to college courses and learning the core responsibilities of being an ambitious student.”

Gomez wasn’t just a serious student. She was also heavily involved in school activities.

As her school’s top female scholar-athlete, she played varsity soccer, basketball, and softball for four years and was captain of the soccer team in her senior year and the basketball team her junior and senior years. Gomez was also a part of the Mind Matters, UNICEF and Doctors Without Borders clubs at her high school.

Gomez, whose mother is from Hungary, has also been a Hungarian Scout since she was 5 years old. She became a counselor her freshman year, where she taught younger members the Hungarian language, culture, and survival skills.

But Gomez, whose father is from Mexico, also identifies as a Latina.

“I am also very motivated to become someone high school students can look up to because there is a lack of representation of Latinas and women in STEM fields,” Gomez said. “I’m hoping to bring diversity to this field. I hope to use my success to inspire those who don’t believe that they can be successful based on their financial background, ethnic background, or gender. I wish to be the role model that I needed when I was younger.”

Academy of Our Lady of Peace

The Academy of Our Lady of Peace School Board has announced Dr. Kelly Hart has been selected as the new principal of The Academy. Hart completed her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Math, Science and Technology at The College of New Jersey and obtained her Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Montclair State University. Hart earned her Doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from the College of St. Elizabeth, having given her dissertation in STEM Education. She most recently served as Supervisor of Educational Technology for the East Hanover Board of Education. She has taught Engineering at the high school level and STEM education at the middle school level. Hart is a Chatham native. She and her husband are raising two young children.

The Academy of Our Lady of Peace School named Dr. Kelly Hart as the new principal.

On her new role at The Academy, Hart said, “I am truly honored to have the opportunity to serve a school with such a rich tradition of education and the evident support of the Our Lady of Peace community. During this most challenging time, The Academy and community have rallied as a family to ensure the school remains a caring, safe, faithful, and academically rich environment. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to collaborate with the teachers, parents, and community members at The Academy and to share my devotion in making this school year and every year a great success.”

School Board President, David Janazzo said, “Dr. Hart is a highly credentialed, qualified, and impressive educational leader, with a desire to foster Catholic education for Academy students. The Board is confident that Dr. Hart will lead The Academy to long-term success.“

The Academy is currently accepting applications for enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year. Contact secretary@theacademyolp.org for information or a tour.

READ: The good things students are doing in Central Jersey and beyond

READ: Education news from around the region 

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Furman University

Amanda Herrup of Princeton was named the the spring dean’s list at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. Students must achieve a grade-point average of 3.4.

Kean University

Kean University launched a new dual admission program called Pathway to Kean that gives students who don’t initially meet university admissions standards a clear path toward earning a bachelor’s degree. The initiative increases accessibility for an affordable four-year college degree in NJ.

Kean University has launched a new dual admission program, Pathway to Kean, in partnership with county colleges that gives students who don’t initially meet University admissions standards a clear path toward earning a bachelor’s degree.

Kean will offer qualified students conditional acceptance to the university as long as they complete their associate degree at one of Kean’s partner county colleges. The university will provide advising and support services while the students are attending those county colleges.

“This idea of Pathway to Kean is very simple,” said Kean President Dawood Farahi, Ph.D. “It’s to create a more formalized system for the students who don’t meet our admission criteria. Rather than sending a rejection letter, we’ll put them on track for a four-year Kean degree and pledge to support them throughout that process.”

The program will launch in Fall 2020 in coordination with Essex County College, Middlesex County College, County College of Morris, Ocean County College, Union County College and Warren County Community College. It will expand to include more NJ county colleges over the next two years.

The presidents of the participating county colleges joined Farahi and the head of the New Jersey Council of County Colleges in announcing the program this month.

Students who opt in to the program will have their application data sent to their respective county colleges. Kean will work with each county college admissions office to ease their enrollment into the dual admission program. Once enrolled, Kean will provide support services on the county college campuses and remotely for students in the program. 

Before the students graduate from the county college, their educational records will be shared with Kean for a smooth transition to the four-year degree program. Upon completion of their associate degree, students can opt to enroll at Kean’s main campus in Union as well as the new Kean Skylands campus in Jefferson, NJ, and at Kean Ocean in Toms River and Manahawkin.

Union County College President Margaret M. McMenamin, Ed.D., said the Pathway to Kean program aligns with union’s mission of educational access, affordability and excellence.

“The Kean mission is really our mission,” she said. “Our students know when they go to Kean they’re enrolling in an institution focused on their success. Pathway to Kean is going to help ensure that our students know there is a pipeline for them to get a great education at a great college at a great price.”

Warren County Community College President William Austin, Ed.D., said the program offers advantages beyond affordability in an era of civil unrest nationwide.

“The best way to deal with today’s crises is to get people learning, working and living together,” Austin said. “Kean is one of the most diverse institutions in the state. That’s a great benefit to the people of Warren County.”

Kean is recognized as a transfer-student friendly institution and has been named to the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Transfer Honor Roll for several years. Students who transfer to Kean benefit from the most affordable tuition rates in the state among four-year colleges, combined with additional affordability from low tuition rates at the county college level.

“We’re thrilled to be part of that next generation of pathways to Kean,” said Mark McCormick, Ed.D., president of Middlesex County College. “Many of our students go on to Kean and do very well.”

“We are proud to partner with Kean University on its Pathway to Kean dual admission program,” said Anthony E. Munroe, Ed.D., president of Essex County College. “Access to affordable education provides important student opportunities. Kean University provides a quality education at a world-class level. Our partnership is a win-win for our students.” 

Kean has a nearly 15-year partnership with Ocean County College (OCC), Kean Ocean, where OCC students can receive their associate degree, and Kean bachelor’s and post-baccalaureate degrees on OCC’s Toms River campus. The initiative deepens that partnership.

“The Pathway program is a great opportunity to further strengthen our partnership with Kean University. It provides a platform to engage the students at the very beginning stages of their program in knowing that they are committed to the Kean/Ocean partnership,” said Jon H. Larson, Ph.D., president of OCC.

The Pathway program will grow in the coming years to support student success.

“On behalf of all 18 of our community colleges, we are inspired by the commitment,” said Aaron R. Fichtner, Ph.D., president of the New Jersey Council of County Colleges. “At this moment in our state’s history, we need to continue these kinds of partnerships.”

Mount St. Mary’s University

The following Central Jersey residents at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland, were named to the spring’s president’s list: Molly Jackson of Westfield and Christian Quijano of Monroe Township and for the dean’s list: Cheyenna Cook of Bridgewater, Thomas Costello of Colonia, Amir Crede of North Brunswick, Joseph Lostumbo of Flemington; Connor McMahon and Jared McMahon of Bloomsbury, Alyssa Rakossy of East Brunswick, Michael Sauls of South Amboy, and Sydni Surowiec of South Plainfield.

Muhlenberg College

The following Central Jersey residents at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania, were named to the spring dean’s list: Leslie Avecillas of Elizabeth, Rebecca Baitel of Watchung, Katherine Behling of Raritan, Lucas Bernui of Union, Brian Biskaduros of Berkeley Heights, Arianna Caiola of Westfield, Adam Cantor of Berkeley Heights, Skyllar Capuno of Somerset, Patrick Carmody of Warren, Angelina Carrano of Warren, Sarah Cehelyk of East Brunswick, Sean Cheney of Scotch Plains, Jordan Cimring of Scotch Plains, Zachary Cimring of Scotch Plains, Rebecca Clark of East Brunswick, Timothy DiGuglielmo of New Providence, Catherine Esposito of Summit, Autumn Fargiano of Summit, Gabrielle Feuer of Warren, Jacob Fischman of Monmouth Junction, Madeline Flaherty of Westfield, Giulia Gerschel of Skillman, Dylan Gleason of Kendall Park, Nora Going of Fanwood, Andrew Gordon of Cranford, Sarah Gwiazda of South Plainfield, Jessica Hader of East Brunswick, Alexandra Hnasko of Raritan, Hallie Hoffman of Belle Mead, William Howitt of Metuchen, Francesca Jones of Scotch Plains, Jordyn Kamis of East Brunswick, Samuel Kaplan of East Brunswick, Sarah Karmazyn of Bridgewater, Ilissa Kaufman of East Brunswick, Madison Kirchofer of Green Brook, Vanshika Kumar of Milltown, Julia Lombardo of Franklin Park, Megan Lyttle of Somerset, Caroline Maglaras of New Providence, Emma Marsters of Basking Ridge, Thomas McGuire of Westfield, Douglas McIntyre of Fanwood, Gil Moran of Edison, Andrew Natko of Fanwood, Stephanie Ng of Union, Phuc Nguyen of Somerset, Bryan Oliveira of South River, Nikhil Olson of Westfield, Meital Oshri of Springfield, Deanny Rodriguez of North Brunswick, Darby Ryden of Summit, Sruti Sailam of Edison, Grace Sellinger of Basking Ridge, Zecharya Setton of Highland Park, Samantha Sibilia of Basking Ridge, Jonah Silverman of Highland Park, Peyton Sloan of Bound Brook, Lynsey Stanicki of Green Brook, Marissa Steiner of Springfield, Maxine Stone of Westfield, Caitlin Strain of Basking Ridge, David Strzeminski of North Brunswick, Lindsay Tata of New Providence, Nyasia Thomas of Somerville, Gianfranco Tiseo of Iselin, John Van Burik of Somerset, Emily Walker of Bernardsville, Mark Walter of Westfield, Megan Webber of Westfield, Jack Wetzel of Bernardsville, Madison Whiting of Somerset, Christina Xu of Cranbury, Nour Yousry of Watchung, Morgan Zissman of Skillman, Jordan Zucker of Summit, Francesca Jones of Scotch Plains, Bryan Oliveira of South River, Deanny Rodriguez of North Brunswick, and Samantha Sibilia of Basking Ridge. Students must achieve a grade-point average of 3.50.

Princeton Area Community Foundation

The Princeton Area Community Foundation has awarded more than $90,000 in scholarships to area high school and college students.

The Community Foundation awarded $39,350 in scholarships to graduating high school seniors and renewed another $53,400 in scholarships for college students who will be resuming classes in the fall.

“We know this school year has been hard for students, especially for seniors,” said Jeffrey M. Vega, president and CEO of the Community Foundation. “We are very grateful for our donors, who help us help such hard-working students pursue their dreams. On behalf on the Princeton Area Community Foundation, we would like to congratulate each scholarship winner, and we wish each student a successful future.”

In addition to the more than $90,000 in scholarships, another $5,000 was awarded through the Thomas George Artist Fund Award to Kyle Lang, who recently completed his studies at Mercer County Community College. George (1918-2014) was an internationally recognized artist who set up the Thomas George Artists Fund to help young artists at the outset of their careers. Through the fund, $5,000 is awarded each year, to support an artist engaged in drawing and painting for up to six months directly following his or her graduation.

A list of high school seniors, the colleges they plan to attend, the names of the scholarships and the amounts awarded per year, is below. For the full list of new and renewed scholarships, visit the Community Foundation’s website.

Mercer County: Ewing High School; Greater Mercer Scholarship Fund (one year) $2,150; Lion Woodward Educational Fund/Rotary Club of Trenton (four years) $2,500: Nathalia Davila, Florida State University

Hamilton High School West: Mary Elliott Wislar Memorial Scholarship Fund (two years) $6,500; John R. and Shirley I. Forrest Memorial Scholarship (four years) $5,000: Dieter Felkner, New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Notre Dame High School: Princeton Post No. 76, American Legion Dr. Henry J. Frank Scholarship (four years) $1,000: Zachary Klein, The Catholic University of America.

Princeton High School: Princeton Post No. 76, American Legion Dr. Henry J. Frank Scholarship (four years) $1,000: Cosette Hansen, George Washington University.

A. Myrtle Hensor Teaching Scholarship Fund (one year) $1,000: Meghan Callahan, University of Scranton.

Louise Maas Allied Health Professions Scholarship Fund (one year) $1,000: Eleanor Wilkinson, Clemson University.

Camden County: Collingswood High School: Michael McGarry Skowronek Scholarship (two years) $2,500; McKenna Smith, University of Delaware.

Hunterdon County: North Hunterdon High School; Frank, Ada, and Elizabeth Compton Scholarship (one year) $4,850; Alexandra Macce, Rutgers University.

Voorhees High School: Frank, Ada, and Elizabeth Compton Scholarship (one year) $4,850: Sophia El-Zahr, University of Miami.

Monmouth County: Middletown High School North; Sandra M. Glazier Memorial Scholarship Fund (four years) $5,000; Emily Calabro, Auburn University.

Union County: Cranford High School: Macklin Soccer Scholarship (one year) $1,000; Claire Ganley, Stevens Institute of Technology; Macklin World Language Scholarship (one year) $1,000; Rebecca Gathercole, Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Quinnipiac University

The following Central Jersey residents received their degree from Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut: 

  • Charlotte Low of Belle Mead, bachelor’s degree in biology
  • Kristina Choe of Hillsborough, bachelor’s degree in health science studies
  • Gabriella Garcia of Hillsborough, master’s degree in business administration
  • Sarah Lazaro of Hillsborough, master’s degree in occupational therapy
  • James Mazich of Hillsborough, bachelor’s degree in civil engineering
  • Courtney Nissel of Hillsborough, bachelor’s degree in health science studies
  • Brendan Nork of Hillsborough, bachelor’s degree in health science studies
  • Richard Petrosino of Hillsborough, bachelor’s degree in graphic and interactive design
  • Alexandra Piwtoratsky of Hillsborough, master’s degree in interactive media and communications
  • Jake Powell of Hillsborough, bachelor’s degree in health science studies
  • Stephen Sharo of Hillsborough, doctor’s degree in physical therapy
  • Jared Mann of Plainsboro, bachelor’s degree in management
  • Connor Miller of Princeton, bachelor’s degree in computer information systems
  • Alexander Woodrow of Princeton, bachelor’s degree in independent major

Thomas Edison State University

The New Jersey League for Nursing, Inc. (NJLN), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce, announced W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing doctoral student Natalie A. Jones, MSN, RN, CCRN, was the recipient of the 2020 Dr. Maureen Sullivan Foley Memorial Scholarship Award in the amount of $10,000.

Natalie Jones, MSN, RN, CCRN, an ICU critical care nurse educator at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Hamilton, and a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student in the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing, is a 2020 Dr. Maureen Sullivan Foley Memorial Scholarship Award recipient from the New Jersey League of Nursing.

“I’m enormously honored to receive this scholarship and even more committed to continuing my education with the goal of making a difference in healthcare delivery for traditionally under-served populations in New Jersey,” said Jones, a Bordentown resident currently serving as an ICU critical care nurse educator at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Hamilton. “The scholarship support will remove a significant budgetary hurdle, allowing me to focus on the completion of my course work.”

Jones was officially honored with the distinction during NJLN’s virtual induction ceremony on Friday, June 19. She is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree program at TESU.

According to NJLN, the scholarship award was made possible through a grant provided by the Community Health Connections Foundation, Inc., (CHCF), which is managed and administered through the NJLN. The funding focuses on nurses pursuing a master of science or a doctoral degree in nursing, who intend to remain in NJ after graduation to support and advocate for the health and well being of the state’s diverse populations.

“The funding will support the completion of my DNP degree,” said Jones, whose day-to-day responsibilities often focus on health literacy, educating patients and families, and guiding inter-professional teams to support patients through a patient and family-centered care model. “For me, being DNP prepared will provide the leadership skills to enhance our working teams’ focus on not only quality care, but in addressing social determinants that will promote access to healthcare for all.”

The DNP program at TESU provides a specialty area in Systems-Level Leadership that can be completed in as little as 18 months and is designed to prepare students to lead complex healthcare organizations.

“The opportunity provided by the CHCF grant enables the NJLN to expand its scholarships to support nurse leaders, like Natalie, enabling them to advance her education, while recognizing Dr. Maureen Sullivan Foley’s legacy as a visionary leader, nurse advocate and past president of the NJLN,” said Tracy A. Ortelli, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, NJLN president. “The scholarship criteria also underscores Dr. Foley’s focus on the healthcare needs of the state’s diverse populations. With 2020 being declared the ‘Year of the Nurse and Midwife,’ and in light of the current pandemic health crisis, our ability to offer scholarships to future nurse leaders couldn’t come at a better time.”

To learn more about the NJLN or to explore the organization’s scholarship opportunities, visit www.njln.org. To learn more about the programs available through the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing, visit: www.tesu.edu/nursing.

Williams College

Keileh Atulomah of Tweksbury received a bachelor’s degree in Chinese and economics from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, on Sunday, June 7.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

The following Central Jersey residents at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts, received their degrees:

  • Michael Corace of Spotswood, bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics and computational biology.
  • Richard Valente of Basking Ridge, bachelor’s degree in computer science with distinction.
  • Jared Grimm of Branchburg, bachelor’s degree in computer science with high distinction.
  • Kamil Gumienny of Linden, bachelor’s degree in computer science with high distinction.
  • Claire Barrameda of Watchung, bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering with high distinction.
  • Grant Ferguson of Summit, bachelor’s degree in interactive media and game development with distinction.
  • Quinton Schimmel of Monroe Township, bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.
  • Aislinn Harte of Bridgewater, bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering with high distinction.
  • Matthew Schueler of Bridgewater, master’s degree in robotics engineering.
  • Ryan Wilson of North Brunswick, master’s degree in systems engineering.

Student and School news appears on Fridays. Email:cnmetro@mycentraljersey.com

Carolyn Sampson is Executive Office Assistant for the Courier News, The Home News Tribune and MyCentralJersey.com, and handles the weekly Student News page. To get unlimited access, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.