Two New Confirmed Positives, One Additional Death in South Orange COVID-19 Update for May 7 –

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — The following an update on the state of coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, in the Village, by Village President Sheena Collum. As the confirmed positive number was at 85 on May 1, there are only two new confirmed cased in the last six days, which bodes well for a flattening curve although one more resident has died from the disease:


As of 11 a.m. today, 281 South Orange residents have received access to COVID-19 testing and of that number, 87 tests have returned positive and 194 have returned negative. To date, four members of our community have passed away due to complications from COVID-19. Please continue to keep their families in your prayers.

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Testing Sites 

There are currently 122 testing sites across the state, including State sponsored and private facilities. To locate the nearest testing site, specifics on how to get a test, and hours click here.

Open to All: Coronavirus Screenings in Essex County Weequahic Park

Click Here to Schedule Your Appointment

State Update

  • Governor Murphy signed an Executive Order extending the Public Health Emergency in New Jersey for an additional 30 days.
  • Schools will remain closed through the end of the academic year.

Essex County Updates

  • Anyone visiting an Essex County Park MUST wear a mask and social distance.

Local Reminders

  • The grace period for 2nd quarter taxes will be extended to June 1
  • The Public Works yard and recycling center will remain closed to the public until future notice. This includes Electronic Waste scheduled for Saturday, May 2 and Container Day scheduled for Saturday, May 16.
  • South Orange parks are still open for passive and no-contact recreation such as walking, jogging, or doing some exercise by yourself or with your family. Please note that our police department is regularly monitoring our parks, and any appearance of a gathering or overcrowding due to high demand will be dispersed. Playgrounds, tennis courts, basketball courts, and fields remain closed.
  • The Governor’s Executive Order requires “customers to wear a face covering when entering any essential business open to the public, with limited exceptions” (e.g. health-related reasons and children under age 2). As you know, this is no longer optional. If you are not wearing a face covering, you can be denied service.
  • You must properly dispose of your gloves/masks in the trash, not our streets. Do not flush “disposable wipes.”

Small Business Saturdays

In support of the local businesses in Maplewood and South Orange, Maplewood Village Alliance, South Orange Village Center Alliance, and Springfield Avenue Partnership have started—Saturdays in May—where every Saturday is a Small Business Saturday.

The campaign aims to inform local residents that many businesses are open after adapting their business practices to promote safe operations, while still offering the same quality goods and services. May and June are traditionally high-grossing months for local businesses, as consumers buy gifts, meals, and services for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, school graduations, and other events.

The business districts have listed open businesses on their respective websites:

Learn how to win valuable gift cards to local businesses by participating in our Show your Stuff SOMA contest!

The Frontline Appreciation Group (“FLAG”) of South Orange and Maplewood

Flag has been purchasing meals from local restaurants and delivering them to frontline healthcare workers at Newark Beth Israel Hospital, University Hospital of New Jersey, St. Michael’s Medical Center, East Orange General Hospital, and the East Orange Veterans Hospital. You can join them tomorrow night for two back to back community event:

  • 6:30pm-9:00pm: Virtual Auction on our FLAG of SOMA Facebook page: featuring amazing items from SOMA business. Bids end at 9:00pm.
  • 7:00pm-8:30pm: 90’s “Zoom” Dance Party for the Whole Family: Dust off your dancing shoes and get ready to have some fun with the whole family!
  • Want to give a birthday or special shout out to someone? ($10 donation)
  • Have a Song Request?? ($25 donation)
  • Submit by Thursday, 5/7 to 


Thank you all for your patience and kindness over the past two months. Please continue wearing your masks and social distancing.

Sheena Collum
Village President

Read More: Go Fund Me For S.O. Resident’s Funeral Expenses

Read More: Murphy Extends Health Emergency

Read More: SOMDS School Budget Passes

Read More: Maplewood 2020 Budget Passes
TAPinto SOMA is an online newspaper serving the Townships of Maplewood and South Orange Village. 

TAPinto SOMA is accredited by the New Jersey Press Association, and is a locally owned news organization serving the community.

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