A Five-Year Old Child has the Covid-19 Virus – InsiderNJ

A five-year old New Jersey child has the Covid-19 virus.

Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli relayed that fact at today’s press conference with Governor Phil Murphy.

The child is one of 78 news confirmed cases, up from 98 just yesterday, including three members of the same family in Montgomery, a town in Somerset County.

On a conference call this evening, Paterson Mayor Andre Sayegh said a “child under seven” in his city is in a family of three who all have the coronavirus.

InsiderNJ reported last week that a 16-year old in Bergen County also tested positive for the coronavirus.

The entire tone of today’s briefing was different than the ones previous.

Trying to communicate the level of gravity, Murphy referred a scene in the movie Jaws in which Chief Brody says, “We’re going to need a bigger boat.”

“What you’re hearing from us today is a bigger boat,” the governor explained. “Trust us. Believe. Believe this. Do what you need to do and do what you’re being asked to. Care deeply. Care personally. Take this personally.

“We’ll flatten the curve and take the pressure off our healthcare system,” he added.

Murphy made a point of addressing those apparently healthy individuals, making the case for how they have to self-quarantine like everyone else, for while they may exhibit no signs or symptons, they can transmit the deadly disease to others, including those with underlying health issues.

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