Save The South Mountain Reservation | West Orange –

Since 2003 Essex County has destroyed 25 acres of the South Mountain Reservation, our treasured woodland, to expand the Turtle Back Zoo. The Freeholders and County Executive now propose to clear cut over 130 mature trees on an additional 1.5 acres to construct an amphitheater (euphemistically called a “conservation pavilion”) at the zoo. The South Mountain Reservation is a treasure of unparalleled value to the residents of Essex County; a natural oasis in the midst of our crowded county. This project will only increase the already dreadful traffic congestion on Northfield Ave and Brookside Drive, and the ever-worsening light and noise pollution. Alarmingly, the county is proceeding without obtaining an environmental impact study as required by law.

The amphitheater is not needed for conservation education. The zoo already has an appropriately sized amphitheater, and millions of dollars were recently spent to build an indoor education center. Moreover, the best way to teach school children about conservation is to take them in small groups on guided walks through the Reservation, the natural habitat of numerous species of trees, plants and native wildlife. As John Muir said, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”

The county argues that $4 million of the $8.6 million construction costs will come from the NJ Dept of Community Affairs. This is still our taxpayer money. For a fraction of this $8.6 million, the county could and should restore and maintain the forests, meadows and trails in the Reservation. If the state has $4 million to grant the County, surely far better uses can be found than destroying woodlands and constructing an unneeded amphitheater that will increase traffic congestion, noise and light pollution and increase the risk of flooding.

All activity related to the destruction of woodlands and the expansion of the zoo must stop now. Cutting down trees to build a 500 seat amphitheater is bad public policy. It will harm the environment, cost far too much money and will further erode the character of our community. The Coalition to Save the South Mountain Reservation is conducting a rally from 12:00 to 2:00 pm on March 1, 2020 in front of the Turtle Back Zoo to urge our county government to protect the Reservation. Please come and show your support.