Orange Library Celebrates 9 Year Old Award Winning Author, Avien Abney –

ORANGE, NJ – At first glance Avien Abney appears to be an ordinary kid from Orange.  He is an honor roll student at Heywood Avenue Elementary School.  He plays basketball with the Jersey Angel’s Basketball Team. He swims and competes for Deep End Swim Club in Newark and has won awards for playing chess with The Newark Chess Club. Impressive, yes! But most recently he has become an Award Winning author of a book in collaboration with his dad Virgil Abney.

Avien has been named a Readers Favorite Five-Star Award Winning Author; receiving this recognition for his contribution to the literary work that he co-authored with his dad entitled: Random Thoughts: How Reading Helped Me Make Sense Of My Thinking. 

Through a series of questions, challenges, and the story of a kid named Avien, (which is based on real life experiences of the authors) the duo has developed a work where a child’s reading skills are enhanced. 

Avien and Virgil will be featured at the Writer’s Symposium & Book Sale at the Orange Public Library 348 Main Street, Wednesday August 21st at 4:00 PM.