While Cory Booker Raises Money on Death, His Opponent Hands Out Copies of US Constitution – Shore News Magazine
NEW JERSEY-While Democrat Socialist Cory Booker is on the campaign trail raising donations for his political agendas just hours after two tragic mass shootings, his opponent Cory Booker took his campaign in a different direction. He’s handing out free copies of the U.S. Constitution decked out in goofy ‘Merica gear.
“Even from a man in a silly hat, these kids in left-leaning Montclair are hungry for the US Constitution. Unfortunately, Cory Booker wasn’t there… he could use a copy,” Singh said. “To win the U.S. Senate seat, we’ll have to compete in every town in the state and we have already begun. Thanks to the Montclair Republicans, Essex County NJ Republican Women, and @South Asian Republican Coalition. God Bless America,” He said at a parade this summer.
In that book, the children who eagerly sought out the knowledge shall find, a passage called, “The Second Amendment”. There they will find the words, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Singh is a supporter of responsible gun rights, ownership and conceal carry and opposes state laws in New Jersey that require “justifiable need” to carry a firearm by legal, law-abiding citizens.
Even from a man in a silly hat, these kids in left-leaning Montclair are hungry for the US Constitution. Unfortunately, Cory Booker wasn’t there… he could use a copy! To win the U.S. Senate seat, we’ll have to compete in every town in the state and we have already begun. Thanks to the Montclair Republicans, Essex County NJ Republican Women, and @South Asian Republican Coalition for walking with me in the parade! Happy Fourth of July, and God Bless America!
Posted by Hirsh Singh on Thursday, July 4, 2019