Fairfield Police Recap 2018 Events For Charity (PHOTOS) | Caldwells – Caldwells, NJ Patch

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — The following news release comes courtesy of the Fairfield Police Department. Learn more about posting announcements or events to your local Patch site here.

As the New Year approaches, the officers and staff of the Fairfield Police Department would like to thank all those in the community who have contributed in some way to the department’s various charitable events.

Since October, the department has participated and/or supported the following charitable causes:

  • Thatcher McGhees/Fairfield Police Foundation Golf Outing– On October 22nd, the department supported this event to benefit the “Cheer Me Up Foundation”, a non profit organization whose mission it is to provide underprivileged and handicapped children and their families with holiday food and gifts. The event raised approximately $7500.00 for the cause.
  • Operation Christmas Child- Between October and November the department was a collection point for this charity whose mission it is to provided much needed hygiene products, educational material and toys to underprivileged children from around the world. The department distributed shoeboxes to the public and asked that they fill them with the above mentioned items and return them to the department. Approximately 300 boxes were dropped off at a location for later distribution to countries around the world
  • No Shave Movember/Double Down December– During the month of November, the rules and regulations of the department were relaxed to permit officers to grow facial hair provided that the officer made a $35.00 donation to the Pancreatic Action Network in the name of Khushbu Kheti, the daughter of the president of the Fairfield Police Foundation who lost her fight with pancreatic cancer last year. The permission was extended as part of what is now known as “Double Down December”. Officers were permitted to keep their facial hair provided they made another $35.00 donation. The department raised $1500.00 for the cause.
  • Food Pantry Collection– During November the department served as a collection site for the community to drop off food for the St Thomas More Food Pantry.
  • Hats for the Homeless– The department collected approximately 300 hats that will be handed out the week before Christmas at the St. Francis Xavier Soup Kitchen in New York City to those in need.
  • Toys for Tots- Once again, the department coordinated Fairfield’s Toys for Tots effort and once again the community gave a tremendous response. It is estimated that this years surpassed all prior efforts in the amount of toys collected. These toys were turned over to representatives of the United States Marine Corps. on Sunday December 16, 2018
  • Heroes and Helpers-On December 18, 2018, the department partnered with Fairfield Target to participate in their Heroes and Helper’s program. The recipient’s, Connor and Kylie, lost their 37 year old dad Patrick Logan on October 26, 2018, when he suffered a medical event that took his life. Pat was a flight paramedic who worked locally in our area on the Atlantic Paramedic Unit, Atlantic Air One and St. Joseph MICU. The children were given $500 gift cards and went on a shopping spree with members of the department and other first responders.

“I am extremely proud of the efforts of the officers and staff of the Fairfield Police Department as it relates to our charitable work” Chief Anthony Manna said. “This is a great group of people who always want to do more than just serve the community as part of their job.”

Send local news tips and correction requests to eric.kiefer@patch.com

Photos: Fairfield Police Department

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