What is the best place to trick or treat in NJ? Website picks Halloween 2018 winner

Does your neighborhood draw legions of children and families to ring doorbells on Halloween?
Do costumed kids flock to your town from other municipalities, just for the sheer number of fancifully decorated homes that dole out fun-size chocolates, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, M&M’s, Tootsie pops, Twizzlers and more?
The financial news website 24/7 Wall St. recently named its best place to trick or treat in every state.
To devise a pick for optimal trick-or-treating in each state, the site focused on several factors: housing occupancy and poverty rates, the number of Halloween-related businesses (including haunted houses), crime and the percentage of children 14 and younger.
What place came out on top in New Jersey? Fair Haven.
The Monmouth County borough, located on the Navesink River, was cited for 27.8 percent of its population being age 14 and younger and for having a poverty rate of less than one percent.
Fair Haven was also noted as being the home of C. Casola Farms Haunted Attractions, which offers a Haunted Hayride of Terror, 3D Haunted Barn, Living Maze, Haunted Wooded Trail and Marlboro Zombie Breakout.
As for other regional states, the website continued to stick with wealthy towns. It anointed Rye in Westchester County, New York (another reason given: it’s home to a lot of dentists), along with Franklin Park in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and Darien in Fairfield County, Connecticut as top Halloween spots.
But maybe you tend to evaluate trick-or-treating spots for other things besides wealth and prevalence of crime. Is 24/7 Wall St.’s Jersey pick misguided? Have a better one?
In the comment section, tell us where you like to take your children trick-or-treating. Or, share where you used to go as a kid to score the best candy around.
Amy Kuperinsky may be reached at akuperinsky@njadvancemedia.com. Follow her on Twitter @AmyKup or on Facebook.