Julien Maculan for Bloomfield Board of Education

Dear fellow Bloomfield residents,

As a Bloomfield parent, I want what’s best for all our kids. I strive to see them finish high school with the right skills to pursue their dreams, full of aspirations and ready for the next big step in their lives. With a hands-on, data-driven, results-oriented approach, I am committed to the advancement of our students and our community. My main objective is to push our education system to meet the highest standards. If elected, I will focus on:

1. Advance our education system. I will promote a strong and up-to-date curriculum fostering innovation. A good example of innovation is the recent yoga-in-school program at Brookdale Elementary. Calming the minds of our young students during their school to foster better learning. This was proposed by our teachers!

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2. Advocate for competitive teacher salaries & benefits, continuing education, professional development, and innovative initiatives. Teachers are the greatest contributors to our education system, we must reward their efforts, keep them motivated, and attract the best talent.

3. Promote a holistic school security approach with decisions based on research and facts. Maintain a child-friendly learning environment. I will oppose any proposal that involves firearms as a means to protect our schools.

4. Work to improve communication channels between the Board of Education and the Bloomfield community for greater transparency.

5. Make informed decisions. Leave assumptions and ideology on the side, I will look at facts and data to help guide difficult decisions.

6. Prioritize the use of our education budget where it has the highest impact on education.

At work, my main role is to understand client needs and design products to fulfill these needs. I will apply that same intelligence to my BOE functions. I’ll use rational logic to understand problems and provide solutions that are effective towards the advancement of Bloomfield schools.

I count on your vote to help improve Bloomfield schools.

Julien Maculan