Photos: Hunter Pace Benefits New Jersey 4-H

BASKING RIDGE, N.J. — Lord Stirling Stable hosted the third N.J. 4-H Benefit Hunter Pace on Sunday, Oct. 21. Despite chilly and blustery conditions dozens of riders took to the trails.

The Hunter Pace follows a well-marked course 6 to 8 miles in length with more than 30 fences up to 3’ in height. Fences 2’6” and higher are marked with a cone, and all fences have ample room to go around. Open, Family, Junior, Senior, Hilltopper, and 4-H divisions were held.


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4-H Division: Alexa Cook, Mercy Stehlin, Time on Course:1:24:04

Junior Division: Emily Schnepf, Erin Murphy, Brynne Murphy, 1:15:14

Family: Alexis Madiara, Deseh, 1:15:49

Hilltoppers: Stephanie Wood, Jillian Melillo, 45:11

Open: Deborah Allen, Liz Bailey, 1:10:41sec

Entry fees help cover expenses to send New Jersey teams to the 2018 Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup in Kentucky in early November. The members who will be attending also manned the event. 

Contests are held in speaking, horse bowl, horse judging and hippology and put a 4-H member’s equine knowledge to the test. To make the team, members had to place well at state contests earlier in the year.

See for more information about New Jersey 4-H.

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