Midterms 2018: Speaker Paul Ryan tries to boost GOP candidates in New Jersey battlegrounds


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As part of a multi-state tour aimed at shoring up Republicans in competitive House races, Paul Ryan arrived in New Jersey on Wednesday for a rally with Jay Webber and separate events for two potentially vulnerable Republican incumbents.

The retiring House speaker sought to give a boost to Webber, who has been outspent and is less well-known than his Democrat opponent, Mikie Sherrill. The candidates are vying to represent the 11th District, which includes parts of Essex, Morris, Passaic and Sussex counties.

“No pressure, but we, the rest of the country, we’re all counting on you, North Jersey, to deliver this man to the United States Congress,” Ryan told a crowd of more than 200 supporters gathered in a ballroom at the Hanover Marriott. “This election is so important you need to talk to your neighbors and even your relatives in this election.”

Ryan was also scheduled to hold private fundraisers Wednesday for incumbent Republicans Tom MacArthur and Leonard Lance, who are locked in tough re-election battles against Democrats Andy Kim and Tom Malinowski in the 3rd and 7th districts, respectively.

Democrats are targeting all three districts as part of their attempt to regain control of the House, which would require picking up 23 Republican-held seats.

DEBATE: Sherrill, Webber debate gets heated amid NJ race that could flip House

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Ryan, as Webber has done throughout his campaign, tried to tie Sherrill — whom he referred to as “Montclair Mikie” — to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and painted an extreme picture of what could happen under Democratic control of Congress.

“They want to get rid of just controlling our border. They want to have socialized medicine to take over and bankrupt Medicare. They want to undo all the tax cuts and raise all of our taxes,” Ryan said. “They want to move us so far left that we wouldn’t even recognize ourselves.”

Sherrill, who has said she wouldn’t vote for Pelosi as House speaker, criticized Webber for bringing Ryan to the district and sought to capitalize on his visit by making it the subject of an email soliciting donations.

“It is not surprising that Assemblyman Webber would bring the architect of the tax hike bill to our community,” Sherrill said in a statement. “While Speaker Ryan punished New Jersey families, slashing the state and local tax deduction and threatening the future of Social Security and Medicare, Assemblyman Webber stood in lock step with his Washington agenda. 

“Their record as career politicians pursuing an ideological agenda may bond Ryan and Webber, but they break with the majority of New Jerseyans who want their full state and local tax deduction back,” she continued.

Sherrill, 46, a former Navy helicopter pilot and federal prosecutor from Montclair, is making her first bid for office against Webber, 46, a Harvard-educated attorney and six-term state assemblyman from Morris Plains. They are vying to replace 12-term incumbent Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-Harding, who announced his retirement earlier this year.

Republicans in the battleground 3rd, 7th and 11th districts have been outpaced in fundraising by their Democratic opponents, who have been buoyed by anti-Trump fervor among the party’s base.

Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University poll, said Ryan’s appearance in New Jersey could both help and hurt the Republican candidates.

“The only positive thing it gets you is media coverage if you need it, but there’s a downside in that it reminds you about the dysfunction in Washington,” Murray said.

Murray said it was “telling” that Ryan’s events with Lance and MacArthur would be behind closed doors — a way for the candidates to benefit from Ryan’s fundraising prowess without tying themselves too closely to the speaker. 

Webber, on the other hand, is facing a candidate in Sherrill who polling shows is better-known and better-liked among voters, Murray said.

“One of the reasons why you hold a public event with a national figure is not because it’s going to inspire voters to come over to your side, but because it’s going to get you free media, which you definitely need if you’re not a well-known candidate,” he said.

In his remarks Wednesday, Webber referred to Sherrill’s prior praise for Pelosi as the “most effective speaker of the House we have had in decades” and criticized her stated intention to vote for Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., who is facing a tough re-election campaign after surviving a corruption trial last year and then being admonished by the Senate’s ethics committee.

“It’s very simple,” Webber said. “You cannot be with Nancy Pelosi on policy, with Bob Menendez on ethics, and with the people of the 11th Congressional District.”

Webber also echoed one of President Donald Trump’s favorite talking points in praising the economy, low unemployment and the Trump administration’s approach to the military and foreign policy.

“You like winning? Well, we got good news. We’re winning!” Webber said, adding later: “With all this winning going on, why would we ever want to do something different?”

The 11th District is a traditional Republican stronghold that has not elected a Democrat in more than three decades. It has slightly more registered Republicans than Democrats and voted for Trump over Hillary Clinton by a narrow margin in 2016.

But it is also full of the affluent, college-educated suburbanites who many political observers believe have started to turn away from the Republican Party in larger numbers under Trump.

A public poll released last week said Sherrill had a four-point lead, although the result was within the survey’s margin of error.

Ryan follows several other high-profile figures who have traveled to the district to try to sway voters ahead of the Nov. 6 election. Sherrill has held events with former Vice President Joe Biden and gun safety crusader Gabrielle Giffords, and Webber has hosted Vice President Mike Pence. In addition, Trump tweeted in support of Webber last month, calling him “outstanding in every way.”

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, a New Jersey native, is also set to campaign with Webber next week, his campaign said.

Email: pugliese@northjersey.com

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