4th Annual 5K Run/Walk For Warmth Charity Race in Brookdale Park, Sept. 1

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ – Join the 5K run/walk for a cause on September 1 at Brookdale Park.

Spread The Purple is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization whose mission to provide guidance to both individuals and families for the right resources and assistance they can use during unexpected circumstance.  One of the ways we assist is through fundraisers, such as the 5K Run.

The organization is hosting the 4th Annual 5K Run For Warmth Charity Race. The purpose of the race is to raise funds to better assist New Jersey’s Homeowners, who struggle to pay for oil, stay warm during the winter months.

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Racer Incentives:

1) Zumba Warm Up before The Race

2) Gourmet Organic Food

3) FREE Body Massage After The Race

4) An Award Ceremony

5) Swag Bags Items

6) Bonus: Vendor Affair

USATF MEMBERS: This course is sanction through USATF-NJ and part of the Grand Prix, worth 500 points

Any Spectators that attends the day of the Race can watch for FREE! Come cheer on a Friend, Family Member, or Co-Worker as he/she Walk or Run For Warmth!

Address: West Circuit Drive

Venue: Brookdale Park

City: Montclair

Zip Code: 07043

State: NJ

Contact Person: Maryange Ariste

Phone: 9739968447

Email: mariste@spreadthepurple.org

Website: https://5krunforwarmth.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/spreadthepurple

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpreadThePurpl1