Coffee With A Cop at Starbucks October 3 in Nutley

NUTLEY, NJ – The Nutley Police Department will hold a ‘Coffee with a Cop’ event on Wednesday Oct. 3. Starbucks at 483 Franklin Ave. will host Nutley’s finest from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
‘Coffee with a Cop’ is a national program that started in Hawthorne California in 2011.
Changes in American culture, including the vast number of people who work outside of their home community, 24 hour television news cycles, and even social media, create artificial barriers that make having a friendship with local police officers difficult.Today most people do not meet police until there is an unpleasant event in their lives, which makes the sort of friendship that George Bailey had with Bert in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ nearly impossible.
Since its inception, the ‘Coffee with a Cop’ program has expanded to all 50 states and have jumped borders with events now taking place in Canada, across Europe, Africa, and Australia. Its success is do to the fact that brings community members and police together in something other than a crisis situation.
This event also appears in the TAPinto Nutley Community Calendar. is a member of the New Jersey Press Association, and is the only locally owned news organization serving the Township of Nutley. Sign up for our FREE daily eNews. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter @TAPintoNutley and Instagram @TAPintoNutley
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