Why this 86-year-old NJ perv deserves execution not probation (Opinion) – New Jersey 101.5 FM

Hal Sitt.

Remember that name.

And don’t ever, EVER let him around your children.

He’s a very well-heeled, well-to-do rich guy living in a multi-million dollar home in Deal. He’s also a sex offender.

You can read the story here about how 25 years ago he started sexually touching a young girl. Him touching her. Him making her touch him. This went on and on and on. The sexual crimes continued for a decade.

He was in his early 60’s when he began assaulting the girl. Now at 86 no doubt his advanced age played a role in the plea deal that was just struck. And it should not have mattered one tiny bit.

Hal Sitt has admitted to third-degree aggravated criminal sexual contact. His punishment is laughable.

He will not spend even one night in jail. None. Zero.

Sure he pays a financial restitution to the victim which will never buy back her childhood. He registers as a sex offender which at 86 won’t matter a bit because it’s not like he needs to find work or find housing. No, he gets to enjoy probation within his posh millionaire’s home instead of the prison cell in which he belongs.

Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Lori Linskey said, “We hope that the resolution of this case sends a clear message to perpetrators and victims alike: it doesn’t matter how long ago the abuse occurred, or what age the defendant is now – such monstrous crimes demand a reckoning.”

Yes. They do.

And Linskey, if you think you provided a reckoning here you should get your tuition refunded from law school.

What a mockery of justice. This bastard deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life.

Or I’ll posit this. What he truly deserves, and what every sex offender who preys on children deserves, is a death penalty.

Child molestation is tantamount to murder. It leaves the victim physically alive but emotionally and spiritually dead. Victims of child sexual assault suffer lifelong trauma and they are never quite the person they would have been.

There is no rehabilitation for these monsters. There is nothing society gains by allowing an 86-year-old nightmare named Hal Sitt to continue to live inside his beautiful Deal home and finish out his days unpunished after spending a decade sexually molesting a child.

If the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office really cared about sending “a clear message to perpetrators” they would champion legislation to bring back and actually use a death penalty for pieces of filth like Hal Sitt.

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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Update: NJ arrests in Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot

A year later, more than 20 people from New Jersey have been charged with involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

NJ teachers and educators caught in sex crime busts

Over the past few years, state lawmakers have taken on the challenge of dealing with accused child predators among the ranks of teachers and educators.

In 2018, the so-called “pass the trash” law went into effect, requiring stricter New Jersey school background checks related to child abuse and sexual misconduct.

The follow individuals were arrested over the past several years. Some have been convicted and sentenced to prison, while others have accepted plea deals for probation.

Others cases are still pending, including some court delays amid the COVID-19 pandemic.