Mother Shares Harrowing Story on How Her Child Overcame Abuse: Wynona’s House’s Latest Family Success Story Gives Hope to Other Families to Overcome Child Abuse – openPR

Newark, NJ, June 23, 2022 –(– Wynona’s House is sharing the story of a local family who has benefitted from its services. To ensure the family’s privacy, this family success story has been provided anonymously.

After abuse that occurred on her eleven-year-old child’s school bus, an NJ mother received an unfortunate call. The school case manager informed her she would be hearing from The Department of Children and Families. “We never thought we would be in this situation. I’m sure no one does. We didn’t do overnights with our children or drop them off at other people’s houses. We always had them unless they were at school. We thought we had everything covered when it came to keeping our children safe and being harmed or abused. So it was surreal that the abuse happened at school on the school bus,” the mother shared.

She took her child to the doctor and the school’s case manager where the child felt comfortable enough to talk about the abuse. “I learned about Wynona’s House through a detective that contacted me regarding doing an interview with my child. The detective informed me that Wynona’s House is where they do the interview because they specialized in this and were very sensitive and understanding to the families,” the mother recalls. She was then able to take her child to a therapist: “The therapist helped with having my child get a voice, have self-awareness, and speak about the incident…I have noticed improvements with my child and family as a result of seeking help through Wynona’s House. I realized improvements had to take time and could not be rushed nor would it be overnight. Wynona’s House—Ms. Yenny and others—gave me information regarding receiving financial assistance from the Victimization Department to help cover expenses for therapy, gas, etc. That was very helpful and I appreciate it very much.”

“I would want other families that are in similar situations to know that Wynona’s House is the place to go. Wynona’s House can direct you to different resources, programs, or a therapist to get well. Also, regarding your children or child, trust your gut instinct, if you think something is not right, it probably is not, don’t second guess yourself. Also, try not to blame yourself because sometimes we can feel guilty and to practice self-love to help with any guilt or blaming yourself for missing signs or for where the incident happened or who assaulted your child.”

She thanks Wynona’s House: “My hope is that we can be in a situation where we can do the same, give back, donate and sponsor. I do encourage all that can to help out Wynona’s House. It really makes a difference for our family and other families.” Wynona’s House’s MDT Coordinator, Ms. Yenny, worked with this family: “The mother is such a great advocate for her children. When the abuse happened, she jumped right into doing everything to help her children heal. With my guidance and support, she was able to apply and receive the Victims of Crime Compensation Office’s funds to help pay for her child’s therapy. She was also connected to other community resources to help her child recover from the trauma of abuse and continue to heal. The family is still involved with Wynona’s House and attends our family events. The mother continues to advocate for her children and raise awareness about child abuse.”

Years after abuse has occurred, Wynona’s House ensures families, such as this mother’s, that they are supported through their healing journeys. “All of us at Wynona’s House know we are making a positive difference in the families we serve. By being intentional, by appreciatively listening to clients, we are maintaining an environment that is safe and attentive to each family’s needs,” stated Dominic Prophete, CEO, Wynona’s House, Essex County’s Child Advocacy Center. “Being able to share this success story from one of our families that has been affected by child abuse is important so that we can continue to foster child abuse awareness and awareness of the essential services we provide. We’re grateful that this story has resulted in a positive outcome for the child and family, and we will always be here as a support system for them.”

About Wynona’s House Child Advocacy Center
Wynona’s House is an incorporated 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization named in honor of its legislative champion, the late Senator Wynona Lipman, who helped develop the Center to promote justice, hope, and healing for child victims of abuse and neglect throughout Essex County by coordinating investigation, prosecution, treatment, prevention, and supportive services utilizing the “child-centered” multidisciplinary team approach. Located in Newark, Wynona’s House is the only co-located Child Advocacy Center in NJ, serving over 800,000 Essex County residents and providing direct services to more than 950 abused/neglected children each year. Visit for more information.