Lesley Greenstein of Summit, NJ, Assumes Presidency of NCJW/Essex

LIVINGSTON, NJ, 27, 2018 – Lesley Greenstein of Summit, NJ, was installed as President of the National Council of Jewish Women, Essex County Section (NCJW/Essex) at the organization’s annual Installation and Awards Evening at Cedar Hill Country Club in Livingston. She assumes her role effective July 1, 2018.

A natural and resourceful leader, Greenstein has a long history with NCJW in numerous capacities and is committed to the goal of making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. In her role as president, she aims to strengthen fund development to support the organization’s advocacy efforts and the ever growing programs at the Linda & Rudy Slucker NCJW/Essex Center for Women that better the lives of women, children and families.

Passing the gavel to her at the installation was her mother, Ruth Cohen of South Orange, NJ, a long-time member of NCJW.  “Lesley opened her heart to NCJW and has emerged as a leader,” remarked Cohen in her introduction. “She inspires confidence working with others.” Outgoing president Shari Harrison, who has served two years at the helm of the organization, said of Ms. Greenstein, “I know in passing the gavel to Lesley, NCJW/Essex will be in very capable hands.”

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Greenstein, who has a degree in elementary education from George Washington University, noted that she has learned that pioneers can be any age – from teenagers to grandmothers – if something matters enough. “The pioneers of NCJW/Essex are exceptional,” she remarked. “They have been responsible for the start and implementation of amazing programs that provide women with the impetus to move forward by taking care of themselves and their families. I believe the passionate and smart volunteers of NCJW can accomplish just about anything they put their hearts and minds to.”


About National Council of Jewish Women, Essex County Section

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.  With more than 3,200 members, Essex County Section is the largest of the more than 100 NCJW Sections around the country. The Section was founded in 1912 and maintains offices in Livingston, N.J. For more information, log on to www.ncjwessex.org.