Accomplished Irvington author Harry Paden writes two new books – Essex News Daily

IRVINGTON, NJ — Following the success of his parenting guidebook — “‘A Living Testimony’ How to Raise America’s Nightmare: Educated Children of Color!” — accomplished author Harry Paden is now introducing the world to two additional books, “‘Now You Tell Me!’ History/Facts Not Taught in ‘Most’ Schools!” and “Quotes & Motivational Words/Stories: Including the People Behind Them”

Hoping to educate the public once more, Paden — whose accomplishments include hosting and producing the cable program “The Irvington Now Show”; having served as a community affairs representative to Irvington Mayor Tony Vauss; owning and running consulting company HP Inc.; having written five newspaper columns, including for the Irvington Herald; having served as an inspections supervisor for the East Orange Housing Authority; having traveled the world; and more — is optimistic about his new work.

“My second book is 30 chapters of little-known history not covered in most schools. Some of the chapters cover Native American history and facts, black buying power, Black Wall Street, three chapters on little-known black history, the history of historically black colleges and universities, coverage of important civil rights events, the Tuskegee Airmen, facts on Haiti, black cowboys, women’s history, the 1963 Birmingham church bombings, etc.,” Paden told the Herald on Feb. 14. 

“My third book was not planned. During the recent pandemic, I, like millions of others around the world, was shocked and devastated by the deaths due to the effects of COVID. Writing, since I was in high school, has always been therapeutic,” he continued. “As I was dealing with my feelings, I began to write, and, the more I wrote, the more I realized that writing this book would help me deal with the ups and downs I was feeling during this turbulent time of COVID.”

According to Paden, his third book, “Quotes & Motivational Words/Stories,” is dedicated to one of his sons-in-law, who died due to COVID-19.

“The third book has brief bios on such historical figures as Jesus Christ, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Colin Powell, Nelson Mandela, Shirley Chisholm, John Lewis, Sonia Sotomayor, the Hopi tribe, Benjamin Mays, Maxine Waters, Amiri Baraka, LeBron James and Rev. Al Sharpton. The bios highlight how these very famous people overcame many adversities, and, as I was doing research covering their stories, they ended up inspiring me. I also give information in the book on overcoming depression, along with suicide-prevention contact numbers and website information. Additionally, I end the book with positive affirmations that the reader can utilize during times of need.”

Inspired by the process of writing his first book, Paden jumped into writing his second book once he had retired and looks forward to writing more. 

“I retired as a Housing and Urban Development supervisor of inspections on June 1, 2018,” Paden said, adding that his first book was yet to be published then, though he had begun writing it 10 years earlier. “I immediately began researching how to publish this book. A year and a half later, I published that book via Amazon Kindle Publishing, which was a very proud moment after 10 years of trying. Once I learned the process of self-publishing, I soon began my second book and will write/publish books as long as I’m able to.

“I consider myself a self-help author where my first book was a parental guide and my second book is 30-plus chapters of little-known history,” he continued. “I also include an extensive bibliography of other relevant books relating to little-known American/world history. In my opinion, knowledge is power, and the reason many children of color suffer from low self-esteem is that they believe America’s falsehoods that blacks and other non-whites are inherently inferior. 

“My second book presents indisputable facts to the contrary. My research and facts are backed up in my bibliographies. In this day and age of banning books and the fight against critical race theory, it is imperative that parents and others know the facts not taught in most schools. My books present the other side America does not willingly present in schools and American history.” 

All three of Paden’s books are available via Amazon. For author-signed copies, readers can contact Paden directly at 973-580-2496.