Cianna Winkler of Verona Honored with the Nancy & Robert Eskow NCJW Volunteer Award



LIVINGSTON, NJ – Verona High School senior Cianna Winkler was recognized for her commitment and dedication to improving life for others.  Winker was presented with Nancy and Robert Eskow NCJW/Essex Volunteer Award, which is give to select high school seniors from Essex County.  

Winkler is an honor roll student and Girl Scout with a strong passion for helping others.  She is actively engaged with her church, including reading to the younger children. Her activities led her to develop a coloring book teaching younger children about life without shoes and to organize a shoe drive for people in Africa.  Among her many charitable activities, Winkler successfully co-founded a Sunday Supper program that feeds between 30-40 families in need and has sponsored a coat drive, collecting over 6000 coats for the Human Needs Food Panty in Montclair, NJ. Her involvement teaching dance to disabled children and young adults on a volunteer basis is leading her to pursue a career in Special Education.

Winners of the Nancy and Robert Eskow Volunteer Award reflect the mission and values of NCJW/Essex through their commitment and dedication to community service projects and advocacy experience during their high school careers. In recognition of her exemplary contribution, Winkler received a $500 scholarship and an award certificate from NCJW/Essex.