Rep. Van Drew Statement on Calls to End Policing – InsiderNJ

Washington, DC – On Monday, April 12, Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-13) issued a statement on Twitter, calling for an end to policing and incarceration and declaring that policing in America is “inherently and intentionally racist.”

Congressman Jeff Van Drew issued the following statement:

“At a time when members of Congress sit comfortably behind fortified walls guarded by armed troops, it is beyond ironic that some are calling to end basic police protections for everyday Americans.

We don’t need Washington, D.C. to explain what common sense already tells us: ending policing and incarceration in America is a recipe for chaos and destruction that will result in harm to law-abiding citizens. These knee-jerk proposals from the far-left fringes of the Democrat party do not pass muster as serious policy proposals. Instead they are being used as platforms for self-promotion, while the American people continue to grow further divided.

I believe Congress can be an agency for change and healing at this crucial time in our nation’s history – something we desperately need if we are to move forward together as one people. However, these types of reckless statements from my colleagues on the other side of the aisle show me that we have a long way to go before we get there.”