Here are NJ projects that could get help from Biden’s infrastructure plan (including Gateway) –

The list of infrastructure projects in New Jersey that have been put off or stalled over a lack of funding is long. 

President Joe Biden said he hopes to shorten that list with the eight-year, $2 trillion American Jobs Plan he announced in Pittsburgh on Wednesday.

“The American Jobs Plan will build new rail corridors and transit lines, easing congestion, cutting pollution, slashing commute times, and opening up investment in communities that can be connected to the cities, and cities to the outskirts, where a lot of jobs are these days,” Biden said.

President Joe Biden delivers a speech on infrastructure spending at Carpenters Pittsburgh Training Center, Wednesday in Pittsburgh.

Greg Lalevee, business manager of International Union of Operating Engineers Local 825, which employs some 8,000 crane and machine operators, said a plan of this scale could mean well-paying jobs for the foreseeable future for the workers who would help make long-overdue upgrades to New Jersey’s crumbling infrastructure.

“The plan in general — what’s not to like?” Lalevee said. Biden “referenced the transcontinental railroad built by Lincoln and the interstate with Eisenhower. It’s clear he’s thinking big.”

As of now, the president’s plan is a wish list that could affect practically every aspect of American life, but transitioning from lofty goals to ink-dried legislation with a congressional seal of approval, and a bipartisan one at that, is another matter.

While the plan (and how to pay for it) is debated, here’s an idea of how the president’s vision could trickle down to the roads, pipes, trains, tunnels, bridges and clean energy needs of New Jersey.

Gateway and beyond

The infrastructure plan’s $80 billion investment in Amtrak, the public-private rail operator that owns the Hudson River rail tunnels, could more than pay for the entirety of the Gateway Program, a collection of nine projects estimated to cost $30 billion.

The North River Tunnel seen from a train traveling to New York's Penn Station Feb. 26, 2020.

The Biden administration has already shown urgent interest in accelerating the stalled first phase of the Gateway Program, the nearly $12 billion plan to build two new Hudson River rail tunnels into New York Penn Station and rehabilitate the 111-year-old ones, which are showing signs of rapid decay. His infrastructure plan takes this to the next level.

In addition to the tunnels, the projects include:

  • expansion of Penn Station
  • construction of a fourth track in Newark leading to the tunnels
  • a new New Jersey rail yard
  • construction of the Bergen Loop in Secaucus for west-of-Hudson train riders
  • replacing the Portal North and Sawtooth bridges
  • building a new Portal South Bridge to increase the corridor’s rail capacity.

The tunnels phase of the program has an application in for a federal Capital Investment Grant, but it’sin the “medium-low” priority ranking, making it ineligible to be considered for the funding, and still awaiting a federal decision on an environmental review that is three years past due.

Biden’s announcement Wednesday does not change this process, but it gives optimism to those involved in Gateway’s planning that there could be multiple pots of money for future projects.

“We are excited by the truly positive about-face in this president and this administration’s focus on the Northeast Corridor, including the Hudson Tunnel Project and the Gateway Program, to finally modernize the century old one-track-in, one-track-out rail system between New York and New Jersey,” said Stephen Sigmund, a spokesman for the Gateway Program.

Amtrak released a map Wednesday, March 31, 2021, that shows where it could expand service if it gets $80 billion in federal aid. The dark blue lines show Amtrak's National Network. The light blue shows where there would be new service. Yellow show expanded service.

The Amtrak money could also go to expansion efforts, like train service through the New York-New Jersey metropolitan region out to Scranton and Allentown in Pennsylvania, which were among the routes identified in an “aspirational” 2035 map released by the train operator Wednesday.

Filling the capital transit gaps

Speaking of wish lists, NJ Transit unveiled its $17 billion, five-year capital plan last year, outlining projects the agency hopes to tackle — but about $5.7 billion of those proposals don’t have funding.

The list also doesn’t include several expansion ideas being studied, such as the Glassboro-Camden Light Rail project, the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail transit extension into Bergen and Passaic counties, restoring service as part of the Lackawanna Cutoff Restoration project and the full electrification of its fleet of more than 3,000 buses by 2040.

None of these concepts are fully funded.

Biden’s vision would increase funding for transit agencies by $85 billion and provide a $174 billion investment in the electric vehicle market, giving NJ Transit and other transit agencies funding to tap for hefty capital projects and expensive transitions to clean energy transport.

Roads, bridges and highways — oh, my!

Repairing vehicle corridors makes up a good chunk of Biden’s plan, which proposes a $115 billion increase in funds to fix roads, bridges and highways in the most dire state of disrepair. Biden said Wednesday that the funding could repair some 10,000 bridges and modernize about 20,000 miles of roads.

U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer, a Democrat, highlighted just one bridge in New Jersey on Thursday in dire need of repair: a part of the Route 4 thoroughfare built in 1931 that passes over the Hackensack River.

U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer holds a press conference to support President Biden's Infrastructure Bill under the Route 4 bridge which crosses over the Hackensack River in Teaneck, N.J. on Thursday April 1, 2021.

“We were in this exact spot four years ago calling for investment to fix this bridge,” Gottheimer said. “During normal times it affects our economy and our commutes. It’s just one of 502 bridges in New Jersey that are considered structurally deficient.”

Meanwhile, a retaining wall along I-295 in Bellmawr partially collapsed last week while it was under construction. Parts of the $900 million project are four years behind schedule, according to

A partial collapse of a retaining wall at a Direct Connection construction site in Bellmawr, N.J. on Friday, March 26, 2021.

Another $20 billion in funding from Biden’s proposal would be put toward improving road safety with a new “Safe Streets for All” program that would help state and local leaders curb injury and death among pedestrians and cyclists.

Replacing lead water pipes

A lingering problem lurking under New Jersey’s streets and homes could be eradicated under Biden’s plan. 

“The American Jobs Plan will put plumbers and pipe fitters to work replacing 100% of the nation’s lead pipes and service lines so every American, every child, can turn on a faucet or a fountain and drink clean water,” Biden said in his Wednesday afternoon speech, calling replacing lead pipes “a chance to protect our children and help them learn and thrive.”  

Lead water pipes were banned more than 30 years ago but remain in use in older housing stock. Lead service lines ferry water from mains under the street to homes, and the toxic metal can leach into drinking water. Consuming even small amounts of lead-tainted water can permanently damage a child’s brain and development. 

New Jersey and other states have failed to remove those pipes, which is the best way to erase the threat of lead, according to federal health officials. Attention on Newark in 2019, when water filters failed to stop lead, prompted the city to remove its lead-tainted pipes, but no statewide plan has been put in place. 

The exact number of lead water pipes in New Jersey is unknown. There are an estimated 173,000 lead service lines, according to the state Department of Environmental Protection, though other groups have estimated twice as many lines.

Broadband internet and closing the digital divide

Biden’s plan would ensure that everyone in the country has access to broadband internet by extending the infrastructure into rural areas and lowering the cost of subscriptions for other households. Biden proposes an investment of $100 billion.

Even in New Jersey, the densest state in the nation and a hub of innovation, an estimated 14% of households don’t have broadband internet, according to the American Community Survey of the U.S. Census Bureau. The divide came into sharp focus early in the coronavirus pandemic, when schools transitioned to remote work and initially 230,000 students — or one of every five public school students — was unable to learn because they didn’t have a computer or internet service.  

In some counties, like Sussex, school districts worked for a year to get students online, overcoming challenges of not only access but also affordability. In New Jersey it’s not just an issue of rural versus urban: Urban counties, like Essex and Camden, trail the state average for households with broadband subscriptions, according to census estimates.

Biden’s plan calls on Congress to find ways to reduce the cost of internet service while supporting subsidies to lower the cost in the short term, according to a fact sheet released by the White House this week. 

Offshore wind

To address climate change, Biden wants to spend $35 billion to make the United States a leader in clean energy technology and $20 billion for climate-focused research and development projects.  

“The investments proposed by President Biden would enable New Jersey to meet this critical moment by fueling the state’s efforts to combat climate change through investments in clean energy and environmental infrastructure, while furthering the promise of environmental justice by improving air quality and providing flood resilience in our most vulnerable communities,” DEP Acting Commissioner Shawn LaTourette said in a statement.

Though details are yet to be hashed out, the money could boost a major offshore wind project in New Jersey, which just days ago cleared a permitting milestone with the blessing of the Biden administration. The 1,100-megawatt Ocean Wind project, if approved, will be New Jersey’s first utility-scale wind farm and could power 500,000 homes per year, according to Ørsted. 

Biden said his plan will “protect our community from billions of dollars of damage from historic superstorms, floods, wildfires, droughts, year after year, by making our infrastructure more secure and resilient and seizing incredible opportunities for American workers and American farmers in a clean energy future.” 

And a few more…

Biden’s plan also calls for other potential investments in the vast umbrella of infrastructure spending. Here are some of those categories and how they could affect New Jersey:

  • Ports and airports would receive $17 billion and $25 billion, respectively. This could provide a shot in the arm for the region’s major airports — JFK, LaGuardia and Newark — which are undergoing several phases of renovation but are projects that could get cut because of funding shortfalls at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Plans for the ports, which have experienced some record growth this year despite the pandemic challenges, include about $1 billion in projects to rehabilitate wharfs, piers and docking sites.
  • Educational facilities also made the list of categories in need of investment, and Biden’s plan would dedicate $100 billion to that, half of it in the form of grants, the other half in bonds. Expanding school districts’ access to borrowing and financial assistance could help ensure that state-of-good-repair projects don’t get back-burnered.
  • Veterans Affairs buildings and hospitals also stand to receive funding under Biden’s proposal: about $10 billion to modernize these facilities and construct new ones.

Stacey Barchenger is a reporter in the New Jersey Statehouse. For unlimited access to her work covering New Jersey’s policymakers and political power structure, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.


Twitter: @sbarchenger