Millburn Bike Collective Diverts Bicycles From Waste Stream –

Dec. 19, 2020

Millburn Bike Collective Diverts Bicycles from Waste Stream

Earlier this week the Millburn Bike Collective donated 16 bicycles to Family Promise of Essex County, just in time for the holidays. The Millburn Bike Collective, part of Bike&Walk Millburn, has been working with the Township of Millburn to repurpose bikes discarded by our residents at the Town Yard. A donor provided initial funding for the parts, and a township-based mobile bike repair service, Back Roads Only Bikes, repaired the bikes and coordinated with Family Promise of Essex County.

The Millburn Bike Collective, supported through the Millburn Township Pedestrian Safety Advisory Board, works to divert bikes that would otherwise end up in scrap metal waste and repurposes them for future use. Together with Bike&Walk Millburn the group advances bike repair education and promotes safe bicycling. Since the program began, 36 bikes have been diverted from the waste stream. Future projects under consideration include a bike swap and donation facilitation. If you are interested in participating with the Millburn Bike Collective, email

This press release was produced by the Township of Millburn.The views expressed here are the author’s own.