Buzz Aldrin’s childhood home in Montclair is up for sale. A local man is trying to save it –
Montclair’s favorite son, Buzz Aldrin, has a key to the town and a middle school named after him. Now, if a local architect has his way, the childhood home of the Apollo 11 astronaut — the second man to step on the moon and inspiration for the Buzz Lightyear character in the “Toy Story” movies — could become a museum.
Last year, which was the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing, Ilmar Vanderer, a historic preservationist, started his “labor of love,” a proposal to convert Aldrin’s former home into a museum.
“It seems like every single astronaut of that era has a namesake museum except Buzz Aldrin,” he said. “At this point it seems so painfully conspicuous.”
Vanderer, who lives around the corner from the seven-bedroom, four-bathroom stucco Craftsman colonial in Upper Montclair, even discussed his plan with the current owners of the house.
Then, earlier this year, the owner died and in early November, her children listed the house on Zillow for $1,049,000. Vanderer, who had just completed his 35-page proposal, lost no time sending it to venture capitalists, philanthropists and local and state government officials, and is hoping to hear soon from an angel investor.
It’s a race against time. Montclair’s COVID real estate market is red-hot, and Peter Kelly, the family member handling the for-sale-by-owner transaction, has received several offers over the asking price and is expecting more soon, Vanderer said.
Aldrin has spoken often of his affection for his house and hometown, where he lived from his birth until his departure for West Point Military Academy. He is a product of the public schools and was on the Montclair High School football team.
On a 2013 visit, he received a key to the town, and in 2015 he returned to rename Mount Hebron Middle School Buzz Aldrin Middle School. During that visit, he tweeted that he would climb out of a third-floor window and walk along the roof with a candle to look at the stars.
“Aldrin says his experiences here led directly to his trajectory to the moon,” Vanderer said. “His nostalgia, his feelings for his Montclair hometown come across very, very, very strongly.”
The architect has reached out to Aldrin’s partner, Anca Faur, who told him the couple, have a similar dream for the house. They now live in California.
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The initial outlay of $1.5 million to $2 million, which includes the purchase price, upgrading the electric, adding a first-floor bathroom and paying the year’s $25,000 real estate tax bill, is a “drop in the bucket for a certain kind of investor,” Vanderer said. Operating expenses would be covered by government grants, private donations, revenue and investment income. “If you follow this roadmap this is very easy to do,” he said. “This is not a monumental challenge.”
Robin Schlager, who represents the house’s 2nd Ward neighborhood on the town council and was involved in honoring Aldrin on his 2013 and 2015 visits, said she was “blown away” by Vanderer’s proposal.
“When you think of our hometown heroes, Buzz Aldrin is at the top of the list; he’s a national icon,” she said. “This is a rare opportunity to have this historic house preserved and be a tribute not only for Montclair but for our state and our country.”
Schlager said one potential challenge is the museum’s neighborhood setting and concerns about parking. But Vanderer said the house has abundant parking on the adjacent road facing the park, and that visits would be by appointment only, with lectures off-site. No additional building would take place; the garage would be converted into a gift shop selling merchandise to support the museum.
Other government officials, such as Brendan Gill, president of the Essex County Board of Freeholders, and a Murphy administration official, have been supportive, Vanderer says, but understandably focused on the pandemic.
He said in addition to the pressure to get an investor to buy the house, he feels the urgency of Aldrin’s age; he’ll be 91 in January. “I am hoping for a holiday miracle,” he said. “I want to do this now while the honor and tribute can be appreciated.
“The value of a hometown hero’s childhood home is priceless and beyond measure,” he said. “People should remember where they came from, especially if they have gone to the heights he has.”
Julia Martin covers Montclair for For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.
Twitter: @TheWriteJulia