The Case for Rosemary Becchi –

Rosemary Becchi is the right choice for NJ’s CD11. 

Yes, we’re in a crazy, uncertain time in America right now. With the general election only a matter of days away, it seems as though it’s the only item on voters’ minds. But despite the wall-to-wall coverage of the two political heavyweights duking it out for the presidency, there are other races that should not go overlooked. In Morris County (as well as portions of Essex, Passaic, and Sussex), the race that we should all be paying attention to is the one for the U.S. House of Representatives (District 11). Incumbent Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill is facing a challenge from tax policy lawyer Rosemary Becchi, in a district that swung from Republican to Democratic in the midterm elections just two years ago. The district was won by President Trump in 2016 by just over one percentage point but swung heavily to the left in 2018 (the most of any Congressional district in the nation). I do not intend to bash either candidate, but instead to express my sincere support for the candidate that I know will be best for CD11. 

As a citizen of NJ’s 11th Congressional District, I know who I’ll be supporting this November: Mrs. Becchi. Regardless of who you plan to support in this chaotic, polarizing presidential election, Rosemary has proven that she is the strong bipartisan leader that we need in these unprecedented times to deliver results for New Jersey. She has been a lifelong fighter for the American taxpayer, advocating for lower, fairer tax rates on both the national and local level. She’s served not only in the public sector as an attorney at the IRS but also as a tax counsel for the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. A major accomplishment she is known for is her co-authorship of the “529 college saving plans,” which continues to help families across the country pay for their children’s college tuition. Her impressive career also includes working on policy and regulatory matters, which required her to develop relationships with members of Congress, the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve Board, and more. She has proven herself to be a leader not only through serving as the chair of the Tax Coalition, but also as the New Jersey Chair of Maggie’s List, which works to elect more women to public office. Rosemary certainly isn’t a career politician, but she also has the experience to lead, particularly on issues like the economy. Her work with the nonprofit organization she founded, Jersey First, advocating for lower taxes and a stronger economy for New Jersey families, shows how much she genuinely cares about relieving individuals and small businesses from undue financial burdens. With New Jersey suffering from some of the highest tax burdens in the entire nation, I know that Rosemary will continue this fight for our taxpayers in Washington. This district has always expected an independent, moderate voice in Washington to fight for our values and priorities. Rosemary will be that voice. 

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Putting politics aside completely, I also admire Rosemary’s ability to balance her successful professional life and family life. Having a mother of school-aged children representing us in Washington could not be more fitting for this suburban district. She also has a daughter and a nephew that have disabilities, and she has made disability rights a personal priority in this campaign. For example, Rosemary released “The Bill of Rights of for All Individuals with Disabilities”, a proposal outlining what she plans to advocate for in Congress to fight discrimination and reduce unfairness against those with disabilities. 

Voting is underway and I urge everyone to cast a vote for Rosemary. Let’s vote for someone who is a proven leader and who will be prepared on day one to tackle the important issues in Washington. Let’s vote for someone who truly cares about New Jersey taxpayers. And, if nothing else, let’s try something different to stop the dysfunction in Washington.