7th NJ Congressional District: Kean Jr. Challenges Malinowski – Hillsborough, NJ Patch

DISTRICT 7, NJ — A high-profile New Jersey name is seeking to unseat a first-time Democratic congressman in Central Jersey.

Republican state Sen. Tom Kean Jr., 52, the son of the very popular Gov. Thomas Kean, has served as New Jersey State Senator since 2003. Previously, he served on the General Assembly from 2001 to 2003.

Kean could pose a strong challenge to Democratic incumbent Tom Malinowski, who is running for his second term in the House of Representatives 7th Congressional District. The Kean family name is still very favorable to voters in New Jersey, where the senator’s father served as governor from 1982-1990.

Kean’s only attempt to seek higher office, however, failed. He lost to US Sen. Robert Menenedez in 2006.

Malinowski was elected to his first term in 2018 and is seeking a second term.

The 7th Congressional District covers all of Hunterdon County, and parts of Essex, Morris, Somerset, Union, and Warren counties.

Malinowski previously served on the US State Department as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor under President Barack Obama. He has also served as Washington Director for Human Rights Watch and Senior Director for National Security Council under President Bill Clinton.

  • Malinwoski: “Our most urgent challenge is getting COVID-19 under control, and recovering from the economic crisis the pandemic created. I’ve worked hard over the last several months to get economic relief for small business owners and those who lost their jobs. After passing the CARES Act, which delivered over $2 billion for people in our district alone, my team and I have been working with constituents one person at a time to ensure they get the help they need —thus far, for example, we have helped over 1,800 constituents cut through red tape in Trenton to get their unemployment assistance. Meanwhile, I’ve passed legislation in the House to fix our broken national stockpile of medical and protective equipment, and have been insisting that our next COVID-19 relief package provide targeted relief to our state, county and local governments to replace revenues they have lost in the economic crisis. Defeating COVID will require a national plan based on sound scientific guidance. If we have a president in January willing to take responsibility for implementing such a plan, I will work with him to ensure it’s properly funded; if we do not, I will insist that Congress hold him accountable.”
  • Kean Jr.: “We need to safely grow our economy out of this COVID crisis. We need to find ways for kids to safely go back to school, moms and dads to safely go back to work — and actually have well-paying jobs for them to go back to. Families across New Jersey and across the country have made extraordinary sacrifices over the past year as the effects of this public health crisis have spared no one. We need to ensure that Washington DC is an equal partner in making New Jersey more affordable. Too many of our family members and friends have had to flee to other states because they simply can not afford the tax burden here in New Jersey. Restoring the full SALT deduction, as well as a more responsible tax code are key components to future affordability and job growth in our state and our nation.”

Other issues that define your campaign platform

Malinowski says he has been an outspoken advocate in Congress for combating political extremism and violence in the country, including anti-Semitism and the white supremacist groups responsible for most acts of terrorism in our country in recent years.

“I led a successful effort to restore funding the administration cut from the Department of Homeland Security to fight domestic terrorism and extremism, and have cosponsored a bipartisan resolution condemning QAnon,” Malinowski said. “While my opponent has endorsed President Trump for reelection and attended his rallies, I have always spoken clearly when the president crosses basic lines of decency and honesty, just as I do when I hear intolerant statements from people on my side of the political spectrum. In these difficult times for our country, I believe we need leaders willing to stand up and say what is right and wrong.”

Kean Jr. lists multiple issues including repairing the healthcare system, creating more jobs, protecting the environment, and improving infrastructure.

“I understand the importance of quality healthcare. I’ve been a leader on this issue in the New Jersey Senate, serving on both the Health and the Commerce committees. While there, I worked with Republicans and Democrats alike to find solutions to lower the cost of prescription drugs, improve maternal healthcare and increase access to mental healthcare,” Kean Jr. said.

Beginning his career working at the Environmental Protection Agency, this has always been an important issue to him.

“I have built a reputation as an advocate for clean energy and open space in the New Jersey state legislature. I have sponsored funding for offshore wind energy development and passed laws that ensure open space and conservation are well-funded. As a prime sponsor of the Global Warming Response Act in 2007, I have long understood the urgent nature of climate change,” Kean Jr. said.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

  • Malinowski: “Prior to my election, I served in positions of responsibility under two presidents, worked with Republicans and Democrats, including Senator John McCain, to pass significant legislation in Congress, and was unanimously confirmed by a Republican Senate to serve as an Assistant Secretary of State. I hope that my achievements in delivering for my constituents and my accessibility over the last two years will continue to earn their trust.”
  • Kean Jr.: “I have worked with both Republicans and Democrats alike to pass laws that have protected the unemployed, lowered the cost of prescription drugs, expanded healthcare coverage and created new economies. The best legislation is born from bipartisan partnerships that prioritize constituents over politics. As a current elected official, I know the importance of delivering reliable constituent services where you’re a voice for those in need.”

To read Malinowski‘s full profile click here. To read Kean Jr.‘s full profile click here.

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