🌱 Caldwells Daily: Everything Going On Today – Patch.com

THE CALDWELLS, NJ — Hello, Caldwells! It’s Saturday, so let’s get you started with everything you need to know going on around town today.
First, today’s weather:
Mostly sunny and cold. High: 31 Low: 19.
Here are the top stories today in the Caldwells:
- West Caldwell Assesses Flooding Issues (TAPinto)
- Deadline Approaches To Discard Christmas Tree In North Caldwell (Patch)
- Founder Of Caldwell/West Caldwell Education Foundation, Local Disability Advocate, Passes Away (NJ.com)
- Boys Basketball: Caldwell Throttles West Orange, 72-42 | West Essex, NJ News TAPinto (TAPinto)
- Weather: Arctic Blast Could Last Through January (Patch)
Saturday in the Caldwells:
- NJ Camp Fairs at Bergen Town Center Jan 22, 2022 – FREE to Attend (12PM-3PM) (12:00 PM)
- Wrestling: Boys Varsity vs. North Warren Regional (Away) (9:00 AM)
- Basketball: Girls JV vs. Caldwell (Home) (11:30 AM)
- Basketball: Girls Varsity vs. Caldwell (Home) (1:00 PM)
- Ice Hockey: Varsity (Time Changed) vs. Mendham (Home) (5:45 PM)
Seen Around:
- West Caldwell Public Library: “WCPL is partnering with Adam Diagnostic Lab* for COVID testing at the library on January 20th from 3pm-6pm and January 29th from 10am-1pm. To register, scan the QR code above or click the link below: https://adamsdiagnostic.com/webform/w…” (Facebook)
- Caldwell Police Department: “SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD HIRING A School Crossing Guard is a part-time employee of the Borough of Caldwell. As a crossing guard, you are a vital link to the safety of school children on a daily basis. Crossing guards need to be available fo…” (Facebook)
- Alzheimer’s Association Greater New Jersey Chapter: “Alzheimer’s patients deserve the same access to FDA-approved treatments as those with cancer, heart disease & HIV/AIDS. Learn more and add your voice: alz.org/coverage” (Facebook)
- Caldwell Public Library: “PSA. You can order four at-home COVID test kits (per household) through the United States Post Office. https://special.usps.com/testkits” (Instagram)
- Caldwell Public Library: “Broadway Returns!, Vision Boarding, New Books, and Free Newspaper Access – all in our latest newsletter! – https://mailchi.mp/ea769d76643d/the-great-escape-outdoor-storywalk-and-more-5090890” (Facebook)
- West Caldwell Public Library: “Delayed opening tomorrow!” (Facebook)
- Caldwell Public Library: “PSA. You can order four at-home COVID test kits (per household) through the United States Post Office. Here’s the link for ordering: https://special.usps.com/testkits” (Facebook)
- West Caldwell Public Library: “Looking for something to do?✂️📍🤩” (Facebook)
- Caldwell Public Library: “Broadway Returns! TOMORROW EVENING at 7 pm. There are still spots left for this event. Contact us at librarian@caldwellpl.org for the zoom link” (Instagram)
- Caldwell Public Library: “Broadway Returns! TOMORROW EVENING at 7 pm. There are still spots left for this event. Contact us at librarian@caldwellpl.org for the zoom link” (Facebook)
- Marinete Coelho, Neighbor: “Im a house cleaning and looking for more clients. I have 5 years experience, Excellent references, reliable and punctual. Im available Weekly, every 2 weeks, every 3 weeks and every 4 weeks. Feel free to call me for a free estimate (973)…” (Patch)
More from our sponsors — thanks for supporting local news!
- Montclair School of Real Estate Offering IN PERSON or ONLINE Classes (January 22)
- Tremendous Office & Home Furniture Liquidation Warehouse Sale (January 22)
- NJ Camp Fairs at Bergen Town Center Jan 22, 2022 – FREE to Attend (12PM-3PM) (January 22)
- NJ Camp Fairs at The Grand Summit Hotel Jan 23, 2022 – FREE to Attend (12PM-3PM) (January 23)
- Register for St. Cassian School’s Open House from 11AM to 2PM (January 30)
- Add your event
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Now you’re in the loop and ready to start this Saturday off right. See you all tomorrow for another update!
— Caren Lissner
About me: Hi! I’m a lifelong New Jersey resident. I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in the 1990s and now live in Hoboken. After college, I spent 20 years as a beat reporter and editor at a newspaper chain in Hudson County, and have written for the Washington Post and Atlantic.com. I’ve also published two novels, one of which was adapted into a nerdy romantic comedy that’s currently streaming on Netflix (called Carrie Pilby). I believe in the power of local journalism to do so much good in large and small ways. Reach me at caren.lissner@patch.com